the idea of “Wretchard the Cat,” the mania to get Donald Trump is doomed to fail. At heart, the Left is apoplectic about him because of 2016–they wanted Felonia Millhous Clinton to win.
But actually, even without Trump, the social forces behind his election are still very much in play. And to show that Trump is a mean S.O.B. is a BAD move by Leftists! Conservatives just respond: “Yeah, but you don’t need to sell me on him, I already knew what he was and that’s why I voted for him!“
They want a mean S.O.B. who will go muck out the DC Augean stables. And a nice, Melvin “Mitt” Milquetoast RINO just doesn’t have the wherewithal to do it. Let’s just say that Mitt has been weighed in the balances and found wanting…
And things will ONLY get better when corruption declines, the economy improves, and Leftists stop attacking civil society and accepted norms.
So it may not be Trump next time, but the battleground has not shifted one little bit! And the Left has been very slow to catch on to that. It is not now, nor has it never been about Trump the person. It goes far deeper than that.
And THAT is the issue that Leftists self-servingly pretend doesn’t exist.