Courage Media Flying Monkeys

Yes, it’s

time to burn the ships.

Burning the ships of traditional media and turning it off for good is not an easy task. It requires courage, determination, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. However, it is necessary if we want to create a media landscape that serves the interests of the people, not the oligopoly regime. We must embrace new media and independent journalism, and most importantly we must take an active role in seeking the truth.

Have courage. The good will eventually prevail. I have no doubt as to the final outcome. The only question is what YOU will do. Yes, this isn’t about outcome–it is about YOU and YOUR morality.

Be wise. Don’t be weighed in the balances and found wanting…


Yeah, we ALL

know what happened!

Despicable Disgusting!

Yeah, who cares

if the President is senile and incapacitated?

So there it is, according to Leonhardt. Democrats at large don’t give a damn about whether or not Biden has the mental capacity to cognitively carry out the duties of his presidency; they only worry about whether he can win. 

Biden-induced misery Despicable

Joe Biden is

a total jerk, plain and simple.

Current Events Stooooopid!

Honestly, how

DUMB is Portland?

Captain Obvious

You know the

old saying. “When I feel the heat, I see the light!

Manchin is feeling the heat, all right.

Current Events


is here.



Their is a natural separation taking place.

And THAT is no shocker. At some point there is a natural separation of the people. We’ve seen it in history over and over!

Current Events

Is Tucker Carlson

a modern Obi-Wan Kenobi? You know, they struck him down and now he has become more powerful than they could have possibly imagined… (h/t Powerline)



happening, here. And what is is ain’t exactly clear

About one-third of 18-to-25-year-olds say they believe—more than doubt—the existence of a higher power, up from about one-quarter in 2021, according to a recent survey of young adults. The findings, based on December polling, are part of an annual report on the state of religion and youth from the Springtide Research Institute, a nonpartisan nonprofit.