
I honestly

didn’t see the battle coming here, And yet here it is

Joe Biden’s border policy is unconstitutional. Under Article II, his most fundamental duty as president is to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” Biden has not faithfully executed our immigration laws; rather, he has deliberately sabotaged and negated them. This is an impeachable offense, but what to do in the meantime?

Governor Abbott is not backing down. He is asserting Texas’s constitutional right to defend itself against foreign invasion. Yesterday’s memo throws down the gauntlet and says that Texas will continue to defend its border.

And MANY states are on Texas’ side! And more are coming.

Will there be blood? I sure hope not. I really hope not. But this is a VERY dangerous situation. It’s a powder keg!

BONUS QUESTION: Lefties, tell me why it is OK to be “sanctuary cities” in violation of Federal law, but not OK for states to defend their own border.