
“I’ll call your bluff

and raise you half a billion!” Go ahead, Letitia–seize the tower. See what THAT does to NYC real estate prices, you freakin’ moron! Already developers are fleeing the city, for good reason. You know that they are thinking, “What if I really torque off Letitia James?” This would make it an utter stampede.

Oh, and is the government going to buy licensing and still call it “Trump Tower?”  Because they would have to BUY those rights, duh! And just think about how much money the state would pay in litigation–even if they “won!”

My guess is that this is all just posturing, an empty threat. And I hope Trump calls their bluff. Though maybe Letitia James really IS that dumb…

Letitia James may end up like the dog that chased cars–when he finally caught one he had no idea what to do with it! He was like, “OK, NOW what?” She is perhaps going to find out that managing a big hotel is a bit beyond her ability set.

And honestly, who would buy Trump Tower with the threat of it returning back to Trump via the courts hanging over it? Hey Letitia, do you feel lucky, punk? Well, do ya? Make my day!

I got half a billion that says she is full of crap. Your move, Ms. James.

You can’t (wisely) let your spittle-lipped Trump hatred prevail. When will Lefty mindless hacks ever learn?

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