Corruption Media Flying Monkeys


but only for 24 hours or so. Or less. They will get back to their regularly-scheduled lickspittle Biden cheerleading in a moment…

In a stunning reversal from their prior blackout of the story, CBS News released an exclusive interview this week with an IRS whistleblower who is alleging that the Department of Justice intentionally stymied an investigation into potential tax law violations by Hunter Biden. 


NEVER shop

at Target! Not if you value morality, anyway.


Current Events


stupid! Unreal. These bureaucrats don’t know jack crap about farming and ranching!

The depth of their ignorance just astounds me!

And did you know that a hungry pig and his eight hungry buddies can completely devour a 200-lb. human in under eight minutes? Not a speck left–often bones and all! Well, maybe some hair and teeth, but THAT’s theoretically fairly easy to dispose of, if you need to. Just a weird bit of trivia…


Treason sure

pays well!

No wonder Senile Joe wants to keep this under wraps!

Offering some leniency, Comer told Wray the deadline for a response to his subpoena had been extended to May 30. “If the FD-1023 form is not produced by that date, the Committee will initiate contempt of Congress proceedings,” he warned.


You think

you won’t be targeted if you speak out against “Biden?” Don’t be a fool! If you are either a big enough pain or a good example to warn others, YOU will be targeted!

That’s how all this works.


I think it is

a VERY good question. Little is more common than some despot bragging that they are amazingly popular and got 100% of the vote. And “Biden” has already gotten well down that dark road.

Plus, you know that whoever the GOP runs will be described by Leftists and their lackey MSM as “literally Hitler.”

… it almost [ed.] doesn’t matter who the GOP candidate will be. I’m going to assume Trump or DeSantis, but any GOP nominee would be lied about and demonized by a full court press in the press. Fascist, bigot, rapist, you name it.

Oh yeah, “[insert GOP candidate] is LITERALLY HITLER!” <rolls eyes>

Current Events

Even him?

Even Billy Joel is leaving New York.

EVERYONE is conservative about what they know best! And THAT should tell you something…

Current Events


would sure be a bummer, eh?

Conservatives seized control of a Tennessee county commission this fall in a questionable maneuver known as an election, The Associated Press reported over the weekend.

I mean, just who do they think they are?

THIS is the way.

Current Events

It may not make

a ton of difference HOW we resolve the debt ceiling debacle.

Poetic Justice


Eventually your attack dogs turn on YOU!