
Yes. Yes they

are. And I think it is evil to exploit a brain-injured and loosely psychologically intact person.

Don’t you?

Because THAT is exactly what Democrats are doing!

The Dems all banded together and pushed this guy into the Senate, instead of allowing him to recover from a near-fatal stroke. They did this to him.

… You want to talk about ugly? How about pushing the victim of a near-fatal stroke to run for office instead of recovering, so that now he almost certainly has permanent brain damage? Is that ugly, Adam?


Yeah, Old Joe

is clearly nuts!

Look, he is an installed figurehead, plain and simple. And a freakin’ weirdo! And senile.

Did YOU vote for him? If so, what is wrong with you?

But as strange as it is, this is a story that Biden apparently likes to tell. When he told it in July 2020, he gave the impression that there was more than one nurse who took on Breathing-On-Joe Duty: “I had nurses at Walter Reed hospital who would bend down and whisper in my ear, go home and get me pillows. They would…actually breathe in my nostrils to make me move, to get me moving.” One nurse responded, “That’s a new one. 35 years in nursing and I stayed as far away from patients’ nostrils as I could. I think after surgery on brain aneurysms We all might remember things that didn’t happen or it’s simply MisRemembered. I can’t comprehend the pillow comment. I wouldn’t share.” Another agreed: “Ok, this is really weird. I’ve been a practicing RN for decades. I have worked all levels of Critical Care with very seriously ill people and children. I have NEVER breathed into a patient’s nostrils to ‘get them going’. He is nuts.” Can’t argue with that. [emphasis added]

Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

Yeah, well

DUH! ONLY people who are really ignorant of how the human body works would be bamboozled by the idea that a vaccine is more effective than acquired natural immunity!

Natural immunity is just as effective – if not more so – at protecting against COVID-19 Big Pharma vaccines, admits a new study in the Lancet medical journal.

Just think about that for a moment. Just what have you been told? And people believed (or pretended to) because it fit with their pre-judged notions!

But the Pandemic Porn Pimps™ just can’t keep the story up forever. First it was the FBI director admitting that COVID indeed came from a Chinese lab (and they have known that for two years), and now THIS!

Walkin’ it on back…

Captain Obvious Chumps

You know,

the non-wacko-shill people in both parties have pretty well had enough.

It’s really obvious to anyone informed with greater than room-temperature IQ. Though to be honest, there ARE some non-stupid people who are just hidebound shills!


Folks, lying to

Congress is a crime!

I guess she figure that if Joe Biden can get away with it, so can she!


Yeah, ALL


Here’s what I think: He has been a total liar since at least his teenage years. But NOW he is also demented, and when he tells story about his past he really can’t tell what is truth and what is fantasy wish-fulfillment!

Current Events Government Thuggery Tragedy

The emptiness…

MANY providers (MD, DO, NP, and PA) are feeling empty, and that has been occasioned and made 1000x worse by the pressure they face to toe the COVID line, even though it is manifestly ridiculous. No one feels good when they are forced to live a lie!

And they are killing themselves.

About 400 U.S. physicians commit suicide annually, with the rate for female physicians four times higher than among other female professionals. A 2015 survey reported that 13% of male physicians and 22% of female physicians suffered from alcohol abuse or dependence.

These people have been put in a position where they have to go along with the COVID nonsense in order to pay their mortgages, make their car payments, and live in the style to which they (and their families) have grown accustomed. They bought a practice for $1,200,000.00. Little Jane made the dance team and has to buy costumes (and the very best lessons), Bobby turns 16 this year and wants to drive–he found a 5-year-old Honda Accord that he thinks would be just perfect for him, and brilliant Martha will be a college Freshman next year…

These providers were always the wonderfully “smart” person in the class growing up, and then they went to college and medical school and residency. Now all those years of hard work and the current hard-won financial security have been put at serious risk.

They have faced an amazingly hard thing–and they crumped. And I get it–I may well have crumped, too. There but for the grace of God go I…

Evil Incompetence

Yes, it was

an amazingly bad failure. Utter incompetence. Just amazing!

But the pivotal last two years of U.S. assistance to Afghanistan proved decisive in creating the conditions that led to the fall of the U.S.-backed government and the loss of $7 billion in military equipment to the Taliban.

They are being FAR too nice. It was Joe Biden’s incompetence. There is no mystery why it happened on his watch. It was no accident!

But it was Biden’s weak support for the agreement that ultimately doomed it. “The character of the withdrawal left many Afghans with the impression that the U.S. was simply handing Afghanistan over to a Taliban government-in-waiting,” the report said


You know why

she lost? Because she was a terrible mayor. Case closed.

With all due respect, Madam Soon-To-Be-Former Mayor, do please shut up. You were a terrible mayor and that’s why 87% of Chicago voters at their first opportunity pulled the lever for someone, anyone else — including five black men (one of whom made the runoff) and one other black woman.

Current Events

Yes, many

companies are trying to get out of China. India smiles…