Immorality Lefty Political Philosophy Moral Agency

Yeah, well Leftists

HATE free speech. Actually, they are an enemy to all forms of freedom and moral agency. THAT is what Leftism is! They are all about force and coercion, though of course it is all tied up in the happy talk of fairies and unicorns. They have to fool the rubes, after all…

So of course free speech on Twitter is an existential threat to them!

The totalitarian Left — but I repeat myself — doesn’t like “free speech” unless they’re in charge of defining it through their hand-chosen “fact-checkers.”

Fighting Back

Well, at least Abbott

is doing his job!

Senile Joe Biden and his motley crew of spittle-lipped Leftists infesting the White House? Not so much…

Funny how being competent is now “fighting back,” eh?


How I respond to

to Lefty nonsense:

Current Events

Dang, that’s funny!

Current Events

In other


Well, that and couple of old Reese’s peanut butter cups that he swiped from his nephew’s Halloween stash and had stuffed into his coat pocket…


Oh please,

oh please.

Fighting Back


I couldn’t be happier. Then again, I value fairness…

Years of presidential debates tainted by left-wing biases have finally prompted the Republican National Committee to take action. On Thursday, the RNC voted unanimously to withdraw from the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), the organization that hosts the general election presidential debates every four years.

Justice Lefty Political Philosophy

Oh, were there,

now? I guess you really cannot trust the FBI anymore. It’s a shame…

The feds thought they had a slam-dunk case. It wasn’t. No convictions after all that theater. Everyone saw it was an entrapment game. 


Let the

blamestorming begin!

The ever at-hand, “Putin did it!” Dems will go for the ol’ reliable. It’s like, “gremlins” or “the devil.” Democrats think that this excuse will just never fail to deliver.

Current Events

Even Democrats

know what’s coming…