Banana Republic of Brandon Illegal Immigration

It’s pretty

dang clear: Biden is NOT in charge! He’s a mere figurehead.

“He knows that he has the authority. We’ve documented it for him. I’ve read to him the law myself, to the president. Read him the provisions of the law and said, ‘Mr. President, please take action,’” said Mr. Johnson on Fox Business.

…“I don’t think he’s allowed to do it. I’m not sure Joe Biden is actually making these decisions,“ he continued. ”I think it’s staff around him and they’re pushing him to hold the … or to keep the border open.”

Democrat panic Illegal Immigration

Hmm, I love the

acrid smell of Democrat panic!

Despite daily pronouncements of their peaceful intentions, the left is getting hysterical about Americans going to the border to protest the policies of the president.

Democrat panic Polls

I think that Biden

will bottom out. And I don’t think he has, yet.

That being said, I just don’t think he can go much lower. About a third of people would vote for a rotten potato as long as there was a “D” after the name.

Which, coincidentally, actually describes Joe Biden pretty darn well! But I think about 35% is about as low as it can go without a nearly universally-accepted display of incompetence. And 38% is pretty much there. I wouldn’t expect it to go significantly lower.

But 2/3 of Independents disapprove of the job he is doing! In other words, if you consider yourself an Independent and yet still approve of the job Joe Biden is doing, odds are that you actually are not an Independent!

If Trump gets anywhere within 10 points of what is recorded here in terms of the Black vote, it is totally game over for Biden! I mean, it would be a complete rout.

Despicable Ignorance and Arrogance

Words of wisdom

from Hillary Clinton?

No surprise, I think she is dead wrong. Some of the toady hacks are that way in the sense that they are “true believers,” and will happily suck down whatever kool-aide the Democrat Big-Wigs give them, but not the regular people.


Trump will never

be forced to pay E. Jean Carroll anything. She comes across as a total loony. She comes across as a fabulist, and not a very good one. She seems to get her ideas from watching Law & Order.

I think the whole thing is just more lame lawfare against Trump. The clock on Carroll’s 15 minutes of fame is ticking…

Anyone who takes this case seriously and doesn’t see E. Jean Carroll as a complete basket case is a complete basket case.

Buffoons Losers

Nikki Haley

creates her own fan mail. What a loser she is!

Yesterday, Haley took to social media to level a passive aggressive attack against President Trump, stating that Americans “want a choice, not a rerun.” Now, all the polls… and Haley’s back-to-back (double-digit) losses… and the MAGA energy of the Republican base suggest otherwise, but that’s all beside the point—Haley appears to have shared fake fan mail as evidence of her popularity. [emphasis added]

Get this weak piece of crap outta here!

Election Integrity

Let’s be quite clear:

Democrats by and large DON’T want the voice of the people to prevail. They want power. And you KNOW that is true because of how they loudly (and in panic) squeal at any attempt to have fair and honest elections. DUH!

And THAT tells you something important: Their ideas simply cannot stand on their own merit. It is obvious to the dullest among us. And it is a bit comforting–normal people see how bad of an idea leftism is. And they just won’t eat that dog food.

Whether it’s banning foreign money in elections, [mail-in ballets], ensuring transparency in the elections process, or backing election audits, the story remains the same: Democrats actively oppose policies supported by voters that bring accountability and security to the U.S. elections system. Their screeds about being the party of “democracy” are a dishonest talking point designed to obfuscate their contradictory actions and smear their political opponents as extremists.

The truth is that most Leftists hate having people express their values and preferences. The proof is easily seen in their actions. People often lie; Actions rarely do…


Yes, lots

of people are getting radicalized because of Joe Biden!

Captain Obvious

No, no

of course he isn’t. DUH!

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) speculated Friday that President Biden’s staff is keeping him from taking executive action to stem the flow of migrants on the southern border.

“He knows that he has the authority. We’ve documented it for him. I’ve read to him the law myself — to the president. Read him the provisions of the law and said, ‘Mr. President, please take action,’” Johnson said on Fox Business on Friday morning.

“I don’t think he’s allowed to do it. I’m not sure Joe Biden is actually making these decisions. I think it’s staff around him, and they’re pushing him to hold the — or to keep the border open,” Johnson said.

Disgusting! Dishonesty

A stunt?

Oh yeah, but that description grossly minimizes the damage this group did. And they did it on purpose, maliciously.

Key members of the since-disbanded Select Committee on January 6th admit in a new PBS documentary that the entire operation was an election-year publicity stunt.

And will you once again fall for their next ruse? Now will you have to wonder if they are just lying again?