Captain Obvious

Yeah, Hur

beats Schiff like a rented mule.

The Democrats wanted Hur to be a good little DOJ soldier and declare Biden innocent of any wrongdoing in his handling of classified documents. They really needed that after all of their grandstanding about Trump and his document situation. His conclusion that Biden is too much of a doddering, demented train wreck to be held accountable for his actions really threw a wrench into the Democratic narrative machinery. 

Captain Obvious

Yes, things

do change. Logical consistency is not really a strong suit for the Left…

Captain Obvious

Well, that’s a

pretty nice chunk of change! Must be nice…

One of Harvard University’s former top officials has been named in two ethics complaints over his law firm billing the school $42 million while he held office.

It’s certainly good to be the nomenklatura!

Captain Obvious

Mitch McConnell

endorses Trump. Well, OK. But really, who gives a crap WHAT McConnell thinks? Honestly, do you know anyone who does? I sure don’t.

I very much appreciate McConnell keeping Garland off the SCOTUS. Good work on that. REALLY good work. Cocaine Mitch has my gratitude for that. He hit that ball out of the park! And he, like Lindsay Graham, looked pretty dang good for a moment in time.

But alas, it was just for a moment. A half-forgotten dream of backbone, fighting spirit, and good sense.

They both quickly reverted to form, and them sucking up to Biden because that’s where the power was sure hasn’t been pretty…

Look, you wouldn’t want to share a foxhole with either of these guys!

Bizarre Captain Obvious

Do what you want.

No one cares. Go ahead, if you are of age, hack your wankee off–lop off your boobs if you want.

Yeah, it’s freaky weird, but hey, no one actually gives a crap! No one non-related person really cares what these freaks do, but just don’t try to extort money out of it and make others pay for that goofiness!

Buffoons Captain Obvious

Have people

STILL not learned? I mean, even a dumb animal learns that a fence is electrified and not to touch it! Sheesh!

Austin residents, in a fit of political correctness and virtue-signaling, voted to defund the police and first responders. Naturally and amazingly predictably, tragedy ensues.

Well, residents of Austin, Texas, have discovered just that the hard way. The city has been plagued by police staffing shortages and longer 911-call response times since the Austin City Council voted to defund the police department in 2020.

… “We needed an ambulance and some emergency assistance because not only was my car totaled, but my children were both bleeding and visibly injured,” she explained. “I called 911 and, to my surprise, it rang and rang endlessly, only to be routed to a 311 operator for non-emergencies.”

Now we will see if Austin residents are smarter than a dumb animal. I doubt it.

Captain Obvious Politics

You know, it’s

pretty dang obvious the “squeeze” the Democrats are in: Joe Biden is a senile old corruptocrat, and everyone knows it. Yet they have no good viable half-decent alternatives!

Democratic voters would like to see President Joe Biden replaced as the party’s 2024 pick, but they are scrunching their nose at the poor collection of alternatives.

While recent polls have suggested that Democrats would back former first lady Michelle Obama, a Rasmussen Reports survey shared with Secrets on Monday found that the leading pick among Democrats is “none of them” at 27%. [emphasis added]

Bad Faith Buffoons Captain Obvious


not! Nikki is a turd, and I never thought she would support the GOP winner (if it wasn’t her) anyway.

Shove off, Nikki!

Captain Obvious Justice


I am so pleased. And unanimous, as it should be.

Captain Obvious Evil

Trump surges,

and Democrats seethe. AND, they have fangs. Their’s is no idle threat…

In any event, you can be sure that the Dems are not going to rest on their laurels.  If lawfare doesn’t work—and it still might—there are other expedients.  If Trump remains at liberty and maintains his popularity, you can expect the Dems to throw Joe Biden under the bus. Who will replace him?  I don’t have the foggiest idea, though the people who nominate the wicked witch of the mid-west, Gretchen Whitmer, are thinking along the right lines: someone rich, left-wing, and female.

The Left knows that an elected Trump is a wrecking ball to their schemes, a HUGE setback for them. And they will stop at nothing to protect themselves.

They have more or less dropped the mask. We KNOW what they really are, now.