Election Fraud

So please explain,

Lefties: Why would anyone be against voter ID?

It’s just hard to imagine reasoning that is NOT based in voter fraud and/or gross ignorance. But maybe there is an argument and I just have never heard it.

So maybe you can help me out and explain it, here?

Current Events Election Fraud

Well, let’s not

get overconfident, here. I mean, this is good, but Democrats cheat like a bugger, and they certainly will in November!

The ONLY issue is whether we the people are going to get active and try to stop them…

The call NOW is not to be a “Minuteman.” It is to be a poll watcher. Will YOU step up?

Election Fraud

Oh yes,

Democrats are in serious electoral trouble. Well, they would be IF we were to have free and fair elections. But unless honest people turn out in droves, the election will be neither free nor fair…

Election Fraud

New from


Election Fraud

I think it is now

pretty dang clear to even the dullest among us that voter fraud is a HUGE issue. Indeed, one has to wonder if Democrats can win in any but a few places without fraud.

Even SF has been fed up with Lefty officials! See ya, Chesa Boudin!

Election Fraud

I think we ALL

know why Democrats freak when confronted with their voter fraud:

Why do liberals go ballistic over efforts to assure honest elections? Because voter fraud is an element of the Democrats’ election strategy. 

It’s not just AN element, it is the MAIN element! It is the element without which Democrats would just be an insignificant rump of a party! It is like fresh blood to Dracula.

… That is the problem with a lack of ballot integrity: it can’t be remedied after the fact, it can only be prevented. This is why the efforts of groups like the Election Integrity Network are so important, and why leftists are so desperate to discredit them.

And THAT is why YOU need to get out and prevent it! Don’t sit around and wait for someone else to cowboy up, here. And start now!

… There is a reason why voter ID consistently polls at around 75%. Most people, including most Democrats, want honest elections. In the long run, leaders of the Democratic Party and their cheerleaders in organs like the New York Times are most likely fighting a losing battle.

Be wise, folks!

Election Fraud

working hard to

keep Oregon weird. By hook or by crook…

It seems that Oregon is both hapless and hopelessly lost to honesty and good sense. Almost no matter what, there is HUGE voter fraud. No freakin’ wonder a portion of the state wants to become “greater Idaho.” Because far more than half the population are dang loons!

Hey, Oregonian Lefty loons, for heaven’s sake, don’t come to Idaho! You’ve crapped YOUR bed, now don’t soil other places!

Election Fraud

Yeah, ya think?


Election Fraud

Look, I hope

the 2022 elections will be free and fair. But a TON of people are mighty skeptical!

Election Fraud



“Biden” freakin’ stole the 2020Presidential election! He is not legitimate. We ALL know it. People of good moral fiber, regardless of their political preferences, are just disgusted!