Fighting Back Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

There is no question

now–at least from a scientific perspective. People should be mad!

Look, if you have had COVID or one of its variants (like Omicron), you are immune. An mRNA shot just adds risk, and NO benefit.

Yet people were forced into getting the vaccination, because work or school demanded it.

For others, even in the military, it was ‘get jabbed or lose your job.’ 

People lost their jobs, their educations, their future prospects, even their very lives because of this (my sons’ karate teacher died from the vaccine). Many of them have been brave, and I tip my hat to them.

And I fully understand that MANY were coerced into it. Yes, I am really quite sorrowful about that.

Medical people (from providers to administrators), who knew or should have known better, were strong-armed into compliance. And they crumped. It was a very tough test, but they were weighed in the balances and found wanting, so to speak.

Because hospitals or treatment centers can easily fire ONE person who bucks the overlords. So scientific objectors can only professionally survive if they band together in large groups. And the organization that requires involves serious risk and effort. Few people indeed are up to that task.

See, most people have a mortgage and a car payment (or two) and such, so the thought of revolting against this tyranny means choosing a short life of poverty–for you AND your family. MANY people knew it was wrong, but only a few were in a position to openly speak up…

Most of us now just keep quiet and resist where we can. And THAT is really quite valuable. NEVER underestimate the value and effectiveness of ongoing, passive resistance.

REAL courage is to openly fight back when the outcome is truly in question. Not when you are “safe.”

Am I “brave?” Not really. I had a situation where my livelihood was not overly threatened by the pandemic NAZIs. And I have also regularly engaged in passive resistance. And maybe that is just pulling my mask down under my nose at the VA. DO WHAT YOU CAN! Many small leaks sink a very large ship…

But still, I run ALL this through a VPN for a reason! And my VPN provider keeps no records that could be subpoena’d. It’s certainly not a guarantee, but it makes tracking me more difficult…

Fighting Back


You know, sometimes you really have to fight back!

Lefties are used to insulting and calling names with almost total impunity. And of course, that has led to them to do it more and more. Sometimes you do indeed need to sock the bully in the mouth!

The days of being the Left’s mute victims is over! This is a new day.

Fighting Back

I think we ALL

better understand what we’re up against. We are in a knife fight. That doesn’t AT ALL mean that we don’t stand and fight for the right. But it means that this is a particularly nasty opponent, and at times WE will get hit! Bank on it.

That is part of the battle. We are in a knife fight. No one gets out of a knife fight “clean.” And even though we WILL eventually win, we will undoubtedly bleed…

Fighting Back

People who

actually work the land just hate the “green” weenies! And for good reason

Bad Faith Fighting Back Illegal Immigration

It’s a violation

of Biden’s fiduciary duty (not to mention his oath of office) to open the southern border like he has. Not surprisingly, some states are fighting back against this evil.

Evil Fighting Back

There are damages

inherent in Joe Biden’s immigration policies. And states are rightly suing for those damages.

We need to fight back against evil!

Competence Fighting Back

Well, you know,

that’s true.

It’s time to get serious!

THIS is a big reason to get rid of that barnacle and “post turtle” Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel!

Post turtle:

An old Rancher is talking about politics with a young man from the city. He compares a politician to a “post turtle.” The young man doesn’t understand and asks him what a post turtle is.

The old man says, “When you’re driving down a country road and you see a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a post turtle. You know he didn’t get up there by himself. He doesn’t belong there; you wonder who put him there; he can’t get anything done while he’s up there; and you just want to help the poor thing down.”

Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel is a post turtle…

Fighting Back

Glad to

see it!

More and more

Democrats’. Worst. Nightmare.

Let’s take back our country!

Fighting Back

A total

nightmare for Democrats. If Biden were cogent, he would be pooping his pants. Oh, wait…

Fighting Back

Fighting injustice

is a worthwhile endeavor in and of itself. And sometimes you see the creepy crawlies when you pick up the rock!

We normal people take heart when we see someone willing to fight!