Evil Groomers Immorality

Yes, they are

groomers. Let’s just call it what it is and stop lying to ourselves and others! And honestly, there are just not two ways about it. And I am tired of the groomers. Aren’t you?

THE LEFT: We don’t want to sexualize little kids behind the backs of parents. Stop saying that. It’s a lie!

FLORIDA: We’re going to outlaw sexualizing little kids behind the backs of parents.


… Well, a whole lot of leftists want to have sex with your kids, and want to normalize sex between kids and adults. The evidence of that is everywhere. Democrats know opening the southern border will mean the import of child sex slaves. And yet, Democrats still open the border. Democrats continue to release child predators and suspected predators. We’re about to be saddled with a Supreme Court Justice who shrugs at child porn. More than one left-wing publication has asked us to better understand and sympathize with child molesters. The left embraced Jeffrey Epstein for decades. The left-wing Lincoln Project shielded a suspected predator.

The Left is the party of sexual predators. Can YOU morally countenance being part of that? Take a hard look at yourself…

Current Events Immorality

What the crap?

WHY? Wow, do they ever make it look like they are hiding something! And them protecting Hunter Biden is the price. Of course, they really don’t give a crap about what happens to Hunter. The Democrats are worried about protecting JOE Biden.

And they actually don’t care about him, either–they just don’t want to look like the immoral turds that they are…

Immorality Losers

I guess that it

finally plays to the MSM to report on this stuff:

Groomers Immorality

Yeah, they freak out

because they ARE groomers! All the usual Lefty (and RINO) scabs are squawking, and that is a sign that we are on the right path! If I agree with them, it’s time to question my own morality…

Look, no normal person talks about sex to little kids who aren’t their children. We call that “grooming.” It just creepy! And wrong.

Oh, and:

This wigging out is all groomer fragility!

Evil Clown Immorality

I mean, we

ALL know that Joe Biden is “The Big Guy.” But if that is ever officially proven in a court of law, Biden will almost certainly have to resign.

Hold on to your hat…

Yeah, but of course he will pardon his son! Fortunate son…

Illegal Immigration Immorality


good! Because this evil. It is flat-out malicious.