Abortion Immorality

The pro-abortion

Left has some concerns…

Abortion Current Events Immorality


response to losing Roe:

Epic fail Immorality Piss-poor judgment

Yes, yes

indeed. And it is utterly heartbreaking!

Immorality Lefty Political Philosophy

Oh, and rich.

Don’t forget rich.

It’s been many years since they were the party of the working man…

But there is no such thing as a happy Democrat. They need a constant flow of misery and distress in order for them to magnanimously step in and be a savior.

And the fact that they feed off human misery should tell you a lot about the morality of their positions! No misery=no Democrats. So they need a never-ending supply of human misery. And since life is naturally hard in the first place, they just prod a little and never run out of dragons to bravely slay.

Sure, it’s Satanic. But it’s Satanic with a smiley face!

As Elon Musk said recently, the “far Left hates everybody–themselves included.”

Crime Immorality

Yes, the Hillary

campaign is desperately trying to hide things. But it won’t work. They have already published uh… selected parts of it far and wide. They can’t just choose to reveal SOME parts and not others!

In other words, each of those disclosures to third parties waived any attorney-client privilege claims at the very least. Many experts believe it to be preposterous to even try to suggest an opposition research dossier meant to be made public could ever qualify as attorney-client privileged materials.

Yes, it’s preposterous but they have little other option. A Lloyd Christmas chance is better than nothing!

They are just stalling. They hope that if they stall long enough, they will get away with things…

Evil Immorality

As a child

developmental specialist, I am not surprised. Not one bit.

THIS is cataclysmic. It is a catastrophe of EPIC proportions. Do you even understand the gravity of this situation? You will…

Infants born during the pandemic produced significantly fewer vocalizations and had less verbal back-and-forth with their caretakers compared to those born before COVID, according to independent studies by Brown University and a national nonprofit focused on early language development.

… The connection between economic security and language acquisition was very much a pre-pandemic concern as well. A landmark 1995 study found that children growing up in low-income households hear 30 million fewer words than their peers from high-income backgrounds. A 2018 study raised questions about the extent of the gap, but the science is clear that children’s first three years are the most critical time for brain development. [emphasis added]

Abortion Immorality

Yeah, they

know it’s immoral! And so do many Democrats who just go bleatingly along with it–even people you thought had better moral sense than that!

Tale as old as time…

Immorality Lefty Political Philosophy Moral Agency

Yeah, well Leftists

HATE free speech. Actually, they are an enemy to all forms of freedom and moral agency. THAT is what Leftism is! They are all about force and coercion, though of course it is all tied up in the happy talk of fairies and unicorns. They have to fool the rubes, after all…

So of course free speech on Twitter is an existential threat to them!

The totalitarian Left — but I repeat myself — doesn’t like “free speech” unless they’re in charge of defining it through their hand-chosen “fact-checkers.”

Evil Groomers Immorality

Yeah, it’s pretty

dang obvious to normal people!

Honestly, what kind of blithering idiot thinks otherwise? It’s grooming, plain and simple.

I hate grooming! It is disgusting. How have Leftists fallen so far into the pit of immorality that they defend this? I guess once you start defending killing babies, child sex abuse is really not a hill too far…

Evil Groomers Immorality


Plain and simple.

See, parents protect kids. Groomers get kids to keep secrets from parents so they can more easily sexually exploit them.

And these public school personnel truly are groomers. And this creeping insidiousness has been in process for a while, now. You know, boil the frog slowly and all that.

But the “gap” between good and evil really has greatly widened, as I have long predicted. And at this point you have to wonder if sending your kids to public schools is a form of child abuse.

No WONDER an explosion of homeschooling and other alternatives is happening!

As Isaiah said, the time is coming and indeed is about here when we ALL have to flee Babylon in order to preserve some internal morality. We can’t look longingly at the past, lest we be metaphorically turned into a pillar of salt.

So choose ye this day whom ye will serve, because if you are neither hot nor cold…