Current Events Injustice

So Lefties, after a

couple of days, do still you think that the Joe Biden Student Debt Scam™ was all that good of an idea?

You know, I think it was a really bad idea. This won’t age well at all. The more time that goes by, the madder people get. The Left thought they were kicking a field goal. But it’s starting to look like they kicked a hornets’ nest!


Sometimes life

hardly seems fair, eh?

Banana Republic of Brandon Injustice

It’s pretty dang

revolting to anyone who values fairness and the rule of law. This is banana republic crap!

I honestly didn’t think that Brandon and his thugs would stoop so low. How naïve of me!

I really wonder if we will look back and say that this is the day that America died. I hope not.

It may be that this abomination stirs enough patriots into action that we will correct this. I sure hope so. Because we are teetering on the brink, here.

Despotism Disgusting! Injustice

The truth is,

almost everyone is willing to participate in an honest event.

The problem is, this is NOT AN HONEST EVENT. It is not justice, it is sheer despotism.

“Judges” are from one side ONLY, there are ONLY malicious inquisitors on the committee, and there is no way to explain yourself. There is no due process. Plus, every single person on the committee already has the “verdict.” They have pre-judged the case. And the “verdict” has been decided and known from the very beginning.

The “trial” is just for show.

THAT has been abundantly clear for some time. So Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t let Republicans choose people from their side to put on the committee! Oh they tried, but an actual fair situation was NEVER Pelosi’s goal. So she put ONLY her own minions on the committee.

Of course she did. It’s not about finding facts–never has been. It is about thrashing those who disagree with the Left!

This is a show trial, and NOTHING more. This has nothing to do with facts. This is only about afflicting people who oppose the Left’s pre-decided punishment and interfering with the democratic process of the upcoming elections.

I mean, do you think Mastriano would even be subpoena’d if he were not a Republican Governor in PA? Oh puh-leeze! Don’t be a rube!

Do I look stupid? No really, do I look stupid?

Mastriano is entirely right to resist this kangaroo court.

And regular people, people who espouse fairness and love justice, should be enraged by this.

Bad Faith Injustice

Look, NO ONE

is going to be held accountable for the Dobbs leak. No one. And thus, future leaks are almost guaranteed. THIS is how you get more leaks. It also destroys the Justices’ ability to debate, to “mull things over, with their colleagues. It strongly divides the court even more, fundamentally turning it into a mini legislature who wears black robes.

What this tells me is that it almost for sure was an Associate Justice who did this, or at least was brazenly culpable. A clerk acting entirely on his or her own would have been quickly thrown under the bus.

Also, if a Justice was involved, we know it was likely a Leftist Juror. A Conservative would have been likely to have been exposed.

In fact, I think that this is the likely scenario: Sotomayor probably did it. She was in cahoots with on of her clerks. But to run this clerk down is necessarily to finger Sotomayor, and Roberts is simply unwilling to put the court and the nation through that.

So he is faced with destroying the culture of the court or facing public upheaval. He chose the former. And it was very probably the biggest decision he will EVER make in his life.

So no one faces any public repercussions. The court’s official response?

“The Court has no comment.”

Captain Obvious Injustice

Do you think

that he will get locked up without trial for well over a year for this?

Yeah, I don’t, either. DUH! Political prisoners–it’s what Lefties DO!

Whatever happen to “A speedy trial?” Oh yeah, Lefties…

And have you ever seen the movie. “Breaker Morant?” Asking for a friend…

If you encounter any Boers
   You really must not loot 'em!
And if you wish to leave these shores,
   For pity's sake, DON'T SHOOT 'EM!!

January 6 political prisoners: Scapegoats of The Left…