Lefty Intellectual Rigidity Media Flying Monkeys

CNN drama

shows the impossibility of fixing the MSM. I think that now it may well be passed the point of no return.

The recent drama at CNN is just emblematic of the fact that nearly all of America’s major news organizations are completely and utterly beyond repair.

And here’s the money quote:

Licht spent a year trying to fix CNN and failed because no one at CNN wants to admit they have a problem. 

The FIRST step in change is to admit that there is a problem. Leftists in general have been characterologically unable to take that first step!

Media Flying Monkeys


Yeah, ya think maybe?

Despotism Media Flying Monkeys


That’s what they do!

What distinguishes fascism and communism is not specifically ideology so much as method: both are fundamentally socialist in nature, but fascism is defined by the merging of the corporate and political classes into an uber-class, with nominal control of the means of production remaining in the private sector; communism explicitly nationalizes the means of production.

… YouTube is a subsidiary of Alphabet (Google), and the Alphabet people (in both senses of the word here) are doing the Establishment’s bidding (or rather, their own class’ bidding since they are also Establishment).

Bad Faith Media Flying Monkeys

Yes, Yes

they are. And for good reason.

Corruption Media Flying Monkeys


but only for 24 hours or so. Or less. They will get back to their regularly-scheduled lickspittle Biden cheerleading in a moment…

In a stunning reversal from their prior blackout of the story, CBS News released an exclusive interview this week with an IRS whistleblower who is alleging that the Department of Justice intentionally stymied an investigation into potential tax law violations by Hunter Biden. 

Banana Republic of Brandon Lefty Political Strategy Media Flying Monkeys

Why on earth

would anyone be surprised by this?

Aides are physically barring members of the press from interacting with the 89-year-old senator, and the office of the Senate sergeant-at-arms last week prohibited journalists from taking pictures of or documenting Feinstein’s arrival at the Capitol, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Do you even wonder why this is the case? I sure don’t.

Media Flying Monkeys

Not really

a shocker, now is it?

Two in three voters in the poll, conducted by HarrisX, agreed that journalists mostly practice advocacy rather than unbiased journalism, including 77 percent of Republicans and 61 percent of Democrats. [emphasis in the original]

Buffoons Captain Obvious Media Flying Monkeys

CNN takes it

in the shorts. You could almost hear them say, “Thank you sir, mayI have another?”

Trump crushed them. Lefties hate CNN for giving Trump a platform. So they lost the spittle-lipped Lefty crowd (see: AOC)… And the less decided people saw Trump take CNN out back and show them how the west was won!

And those who were already Trump fans were ecstatic at the humiliating butt-kicking. It was indeed glorious.

In short, CNN both boosted Trump and shot themselves in the proverbial foot. It was a good old-fashioned thumpin’. Nice!

Buffoons Media Flying Monkeys

I think we are

ALL getting tired of this senile old coot.

Saturday night’s White House Correspondents Dinner was exactly what you’d expect it to be. Namely, it was a partisan cluster filled with journalists cosplaying as celebrities that seal-clapped for Joe Biden even as he mocked them for their slavish devotion. Well, it was that and also yet another example of the president’s ever-diminishing mental capacity.

From a reporter there: [Biden speaking] “In a lot of ways this dinner sums up my first two years. I’ll talk for 10 minutes, take zero questions, and cheerfully walk away.” For the journalists in the room, he wasn’t laughing with you, he was laughing at you. The reality is, I think he’s mocking the press. The guy does not take questions, and he’s up there joking about it. And I’m just, and they’re clapping and they’re laughing about it.

… Biden spits in the face of the press over and over, and the only reaction those who cover him can muster is wiping it off and apologizing for being in the way. It’s a sad state of affairs because the nation actually could benefit from a journalistic establishment that valued its role in holding power to account. We don’t have that, though. Instead, we have a press establishment that is simply an extension of the Democratic Party.

The MSM have shown themselves to be a bunch of cringing, lick-spittle toadies (at best). SHAME on them!

And those of you regular people who tend to vote Democrat, aren’t you just embarrassed?

Courage Media Flying Monkeys

Yes, it’s

time to burn the ships.

Burning the ships of traditional media and turning it off for good is not an easy task. It requires courage, determination, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. However, it is necessary if we want to create a media landscape that serves the interests of the people, not the oligopoly regime. We must embrace new media and independent journalism, and most importantly we must take an active role in seeking the truth.

Have courage. The good will eventually prevail. I have no doubt as to the final outcome. The only question is what YOU will do. Yes, this isn’t about outcome–it is about YOU and YOUR morality.

Be wise. Don’t be weighed in the balances and found wanting…