
I guess he

gets credit for inadvertently telling the truth!


Energy Stooooopid!

The wages of

Lefty enviro-weenies’ stupidity.

Depend on Russian natural gas, close your nuclear power plants, and then let your population freeze to death if you don’t bow to Russian demands or if you torque them off.

How stupid!

The three nuclear plants that were shut down last December could have been used to generate a lot of electricity which could in turn be used to heat a lot of homes this winter.

Current Events Stooooopid!

New Democrat

talking point! Republicans and Jan. 6 participants are the cause of inflation!


Never mind that these points are stupidly incoherent. ONLY a rigidly partisan Democrat fool would even believe them, and then only if they also had room-temperature IQ and/or real ignorance.

But trust me, some Democrats will go bleatingly along with this pile of horse crap. More’s the pity…

What, did they get this from some lame and partisan focus group? Holy crap! Who thought this was a good idea?

Evil Clown Stooooopid!

Honestly, Joe Biden

is a nightmare. Did YOU vote for this idiot?

If so, keelhauling is too good for you. The least you can do is apologize and try to make amends! <sheesh!>

Incompetence Stooooopid!

Stupid is as

stupid does, Jenn-nay!

Civil Rights Stooooopid!

I think most

people are just getting to where they’ve had enough!

I mean, the Lefty line on this is manifestly not true–it is illogical and pretty dang stupid. Honestly, does anyone with greater than room-temperature IQ actually believe their schtick?

I mean, yes, non-mentally retarded people act like they buy it because they are rigid Lefty shills, but I doubt they actually do. It’s just so risible and nutty!


Funny how

that works, eh?


Ya think?


It really is

good question:

The logic holds: It’s on one side as the other.

Guys, let’s not be total idiots, here! Let’s not be tragically concrete. Please, show that you are capable of abstract thought. It’s NOT the weapon. DUH!


So which

is it?

A statement from the White House sought to backtrack the President’s comments, in a move that the press has become accustomed to over the past year and a half since Biden took office.

This guy is a dang MORON who simply doesn’t know what he is doing.