Captain Obvious Dementia

What a freakin’

moron! This guy has gotten SO senile, SO demented that I honestly don’t know how much more of him the country can take!

Are YOU one of those idiots who actually voted for this guy? Really? How dumb was that?

This guy seems to me to be very clearly a pedophile.

Culture Freedom

It matters.

It is part of resisting.

Current Events

As I think about it,

it is important to understand that most people today haven’t really experienced a competent President. Let me explain:

Bush I: Not really very competent, but he had a flying start given by Reagan, so he was pretty much OK. A doof, but he really didn’t have to do much. And he couldn’t even do that.
Clinton: TOTALLY morally reprehensible. But he had the Reagan prosperity to fall back on and a Republican Congress, and no matter what a turd he was personally and whatever far Left tendencies he had were covered up by the current necessity. THAT is Bill Clinton in a nutshell: Do or say anything that is expedient.
Bush II: Nice guy who was, at heart, a RINO. He could rise to the occasion (such as 9/11), but that was not a representation of who he actually was in the aggregate. At best a decent manager.
And it was here that the MSM really started in earnest hammering anyone to the right of Stalin. And foolish sheep went bleatingly along with it.
Obama: Horrible in almost all ways. He rode race for all it was worth, while being as far Left as he possibly could. He deliberately guilted the voting population in terms of race. Just as personally avaricious and cynical as Clinton, though with a tad more personal control. Less charm, but more personal discipline.
Trump: Really, the only bright spot of competence. A diamond hidden in a pile of manure. And because of his competence, the “swamp” simply could not tolerate him. So he got 365 bad news coverage. The lackey MSM was all over him like ugly on a hog from day -90 on. Therefore, people really didn’t experience the competence.
Biden: A senile loser, and arguably the worst President ever. Beholden to the Left, being more than happy to let his Lefty freak flag fly, and almost totally incompetent, he lets others drive the bus. “He” drove the economy into the ground and made millions suffer.

But, of course, Biden is not really running the show–he’s just the outward person to lend a patina of legitimacy to the office and the cabal of nasty Lefties who actually run it. And Joe is fine with that. He doesn’t really care as long as he gets his pudding cup in the evening and maybe a little nappy-nappy during the day.

So, today’s voting population has not really experienced competence in a President. The ONLY truly competence/decent one was constantly pilloried by the Left and their MSM toadies.


Immigrants leaving

Martha’s Vineyard:

Yeah, pretty much!

Fighting Back Media Flying Monkeys

Rubio hit

back. And it’s about time! I’m just sick of the MSM dishonest weenies! Aren’t you?

“This highlights two major problems we have in this country. First, reporters believe no one is allowed to ask them questions. They take offense at the idea that you, me, or anyone else should dare to question the sanctity of their reporting. That arrogant, dismissive attitude is exactly why there is a crisis of confidence in our nation’s news outlets. They truly think they are better than everyone else.

“Second, Democrats get away with murder, literally. They are never pushed to answer specific questions about where they stand on the taking of human life. The truth is that every single Democrat supports taxpayer-funded abortion without any restrictions up until the moment a child is born. That is the truth, but Democrats never have to explain their radical position, because the press is all too willing to cover for them.”

Most of us have just had enough!

There’s no longer any reason for officials in either party not to challenge journalists of all stripes with questions about how they cover the news. Just as politicians must be held accountable, so must journalists who peddle stories based on demonstrable falsehoods.


Well, let’s

just hope that Russ Vought wins. Someone will hopefully save the country from the evil robot Zuckerberg!

Current Events

Putin should be

very afraid. His Ukraine gambit may break him.

That said, a LOT more people will die if this whole house of cards collapses. Already, even if Russia scored a decisive victory tomorrow, the genie is out of the bottle and there really is no conceivable way that Russia “wins” in terms of the broader picture.

Russia may be a severely (maybe mortally) wounded bear, but it is still a bear…

Current Events

Yes, I DO think

most Democrats are living in a defensive heroine haze in thinking that they are somehow NOT going to get pounded in November. They have, yet again, been snookered by the Democrat “happy talk.”

Maybe they are just relying on more voter fraud.

But the other BIG issue here is voter motivation in regard to turnout. Most Conservatives would crawl over the proverbial broken glass to vote. They are angry, and for good reason. Biden’s poll numbers are in the toilet. Let’s just say that Liberals are not nearly as motivated to vote.

It’s pretty dang clear that they will lose the House. And that means that the Biden lawmaking buffoonery will soon be over (though executive action remains in the crapper). Democrats may also lose the Senate, though that is not nearly as certain.

The danger to losing the House for Democrats is House investigations. Joe and Hunter and that whole cabal have a ton of dirty laundry that they don’t want in the public sphere! It is at minimum very embarrassing for Democrats–and quite possibly far worse.

And if the Senate also flips and starts investigating them…


So much for

equal protection under the law, eh?

It’s just maddening. Vote these bastards out!

Political philosophy


warmly welcome you to the world they created. THIS is what Leftism creates.