Current Events

Yeah, so I

don’t get it. WHY is he doing this? There HAS to be a motive, somewhere! Xi is evil, but he’s not a fool! He has almost total power, so we’re talking about a potential HUGE tsunami of change, here (if Xi were to be thwarted or even deposed).

But again, Xi is NOT a stupid man. So what are the reasons behind this policy?

Two years of relentless propaganda has constricted Xi’s space for manoeuvring to such an extent that a reversal now carries an intolerable risk of rising in a contagion that will puncture the halo around Xi and every death henceforth will be blamed on him. Moreover, while the Chinese public might be suffering from Covid-related restrictions, the political challenge arising from this scenario is insignificant compared to the loss of public trust that may happen if the policy — that has been at the core of CCP’s propaganda — is overhauled so close to the crucial party conclave. It will be an admission of Xi’s personal failure after two years of claiming that ‘zero-Covid is the best’, and the coveted third term may become elusive. [emphasis added]

… This scenario, while credible, masks a far more important policy failure. The Xi regime had two years to vaccinate the elderly citizens, but in its obsession with a ‘zero-Covid’ strategy focused on enforcing lockdown measures, it failed to immunize the most susceptible section of its populace and incentivize vaccination.

I don’t think we know the answers right now. “Zero-COVID” is an incredibly stupid policy. But Xi may well have painted himself into a corner so severely that he has no other choice.

It is also a possibility that having surrounded himself with a coterie who dare not challenge the ideas of the supreme leader, Xi is caught in an “authoritarian feedback loop” and his paranoid style of politics leaves no place for any meaningful policy debate, resulting in even more rigidity in decision-making.


Please, Pence,

don’t run. You have NO chance of winning, and you would just damage those who DO have a chance. I think that you’ve entertained us quite enough. Now go away.

Please, don’t let your ego push you into being a traitor. Just go away.

Dishonesty Lefty Political Philosophy

I think there

has indeed been a collapse of trust.

The issue at play now is that the majority of Americans have lost trust in our ability to govern and also, whether our leaders are even telling us the truth or are we simply being manipulated?

… We have arrived at a point that appears intentional. The utter disregard for breaking the sacred bond between ordinary Americans and their leadership, fealty to the principles and practices of a nation that has stood for good, stood for a better tomorrow, and been that beacon of hope to the entire world is now in doubt.

The problem is that Democrats and RINOs have been chronically dishonest. So no one trusts them.

One Lefty friend of mine (well, former friend) embodies such dishonesty. Rather than just saying what he truly believes, he hides his core beliefs because they would be so distasteful to those around him.

But the price for that is that he can never really be himself–he never knows if his friends really like him because there is always this dread that if they knew what he truly believed, they would never accept him or trust him.

What a sad existence!


Yes, the

mid-term variant is almost here!

Are the American people dumb enough to fall for it again? I really don’t think so. But I hope I’m not just overly optimistic…


So which

is it?

A statement from the White House sought to backtrack the President’s comments, in a move that the press has become accustomed to over the past year and a half since Biden took office.

This guy is a dang MORON who simply doesn’t know what he is doing.


Look, Democrats

want YOU to suffer! Remember that in November…

That’s the President of the United States calling the $5.00 a gallon gasoline that is crushing Americans an “incredible transition.” And lest anyone think I’m misreading him, he means it exactly as it sounds and says as much by citing that we’ll become “less reliant” on fossil fuels in the end.

In other words, this is all intentional.

… We’ve moved past the point of simple political disagreement and into the realm of purposeful sabotage in order to obtain a delusional partisan goal. They aren’t even hiding the ball anymore. These people want you to suffer.

Thanks, morons who voted for him. Way to go. Way to go…

Current Events

You think

Biden is not in some serious crap? He is.

What he did to Afghanistan, what he is doing to the economy, his manifest incompetence, etc. Yeah, there are plenty of reasons to impeach Joe Biden.

Will it actually happen? I honestly don’t know. But I do know that people are pissed. And they are very likely to elect Representatives who are equally pissed.

And Democrats introduced using impeachment as a cudgel. They were freakin’ nuts about it with Trump! Well, what comes around goes around…

Current Events

Well, you KNEW

it was coming.

OF COURSE! Musk himself knew it would come, and of course it did. Only this time, Musk has a bevy of lawyers just waiting, like slavering hyenas straining at their leashes, to be set free to wreak havoc upon the lame accusers.

Look, the guy dated Amber Heard and survived with his throat unslit and his linens undefiled. This trollop’s trumped-up charges are not going to take him down. The fact is that what my mother – the judge – told me after she swore me in as a lawyer in 1994 remains true: “Everyone lies.” Allegations in sex lawsuits are as reliable as Jen Psaki, and even bullSchiff claims get settled. 

But the truth is not the point. Obedience is. They are terrified of Elon Musk because his money – combined with his iconoclasm – makes him dangerous. The thought that Musk would take over Twitter and allow free speech, thereby utterly undoing their last stranglehold on social media, filled the unelite elite with a cold terror. They know their ideas are garbage; they can only keep power by ensuring they control the marketplace of ideas. And they control it by ensuring it is not a marketplace at all but a Supermax prison where wrongthink is locked away in solitary with a lonely cellmate named Ox. 

But this is just thuggery!

Bad Faith

Have you

failed to understand that people are angry?

Conservatives have had enough of being pushed around, of being taken advantage because they are polite. The Left has confused politeness with cowering subservience. And the Left has rewarded Righty politeness and tolerance with bad faith, exploitation, and supercilious disdain.

But we are not descended from cowardly men and women…

We patriots are done being polite. If these prog prongs try to stick the blame for these hideous murders on us, we’ll stick it right back, harder and farther. No more allowing sorrow to stop us from standing up for the truth. No more using our niceness against us for cheesy political advantage. We’ve played that game. 

Yes, anger.

Do you even wonder why people of good judgment no longer tolerate milquetoast Romney-esque RINO-weenies? Really?

Crime Current Events

It’s true: Durham

has already won. Regardless of the trial outcome, our eyes have been opened. And what has been seen cannot be unseen.

Whether Sussmann goes to prison or not, we know that he lied to damage Donald Trump. THAT much is really quite clear. We know that the “Deep State” was gunning for Trump. We know that Hillary ginned up the “Russian collusion” crap in order to damage hime–and that she really didn’t care that it damaged the country, too. And there were TONS of “flying monkeys” who where more than happy to carry out her evil plan.

See, we ALL know that Sussmann lied. It’s not even a real question anymore. And we know that the lie was ordered by Hillary herself. Sussman may well go free on technicalities, but we ALL know that is a miscarriage of justice.

Michael Sussmann’s role in this scandal was arguably minor. He was one of many foot soldiers in the army of Democratic Party operatives pushing this concocted narrative about secret Russia-Trumpo connections. Whether or not Sussmann is convicted, there is no longer any doubt about who was really responsible. Her name is Hillary Clinton.