Dishonesty Justice Liars

You need to

understand that the MSM lies to you! Not mistakes, lies.

We need media accountability. I hope this helps us get it.


Yeah, I don’t

think Democrats realize just how electorally bad this would be for them.

I paid off my student loans. My kids are almost done doing so. So do we get reimbursed?

It’s just SO unfair! No good deed goes unpunished, eh?

Current Events


pretty much…

Current Events

Do not ask

for whom the bell tolls.

It tolls for thee.

The rainbow-colored claws were out against Bezos yet again on Wednesday when an internal Amazon LGBTQ group (“No Hate at Amazon”) called out the company as an opponent of trans rights and safety for permitting the sale of books deemed “hurtful” toward the transgender community.

Don’t think that you can keep a savage dog and that it will never turn on YOU.


So I talked

to a friend about the movie, “Forrest Gump.” He said that he couldn’t believe it has escaped the wrath of the Cancel Crowd. I guess it is OK to exploit a mentally retarded man if you are of the favored political persuasion!

Civil Rights

Yeah, pretty

much… OR, they just don’t want any effective resistance!

Evil Clown


for a good life:

Nature’s way of saying, “DO NOT TOUCH!” That and blue hair…

Current Events

This should

really worry Democrats:

78% who have seen “2000 Mules” would recommended it to others.

Republicans – 84%
Independents – 74%
Democrats – 73%

And yes, I realize that those who see that have chosen to be part of that group–they have self-selected. But still, these numbers are astounding.

Almost three quarters of Democrats!

Lefties, have YOU seen it? Why or why not?


Listen to

the Pope!

Or Biden:


Well now,

THAT’s good to hear!

I wonder if any of these departures are because of the new press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre. So far she has proven to be less than stellar in her job performance. She’s just not up to the role. [emphasis added]

… Biden has recently been reported to be angry that his staff runs out to clean up his remarks but what’s the alternative? Just leave the crazy things he says out there? If he’s worried about looking weak and not in charge, well, too late. That ship has already sailed. He’s not proven to be a strong president and often looks like he’s not in charge of his own White House. Everyone sees it. Biden frequently says “they” won’t let him do something or the other. Does he not hear what he says?