
Can you say,


I knew that you could!

But DON’T get overconfident. Two words to remember: Voter and Fraud.

But we are seeing a TON of races move from, “Solid Democrat” to “Leans Democrat.” Sure, the Democrat may indeed win, but this is forcing Democrats to spend limited time and money defending seats that are usually safer for them than Fort Knox.

Current Events

Honestly, I never

even dreamed that this would come about! Look, I think it’s entirely likely that the Democrat wins, here. BUT, it is a very telling thing that this is even a remote possibility!

It is indeed a stunner.

I hate to get out over my skis because anything could happen, but you’ve got election analysts now suggesting Republicans could end up with 54 US Senate seats when all is said and done. You would have been laughed out of the room for suggesting that just a month ago.

Current Events

It’s all

“projected,” and doesn’t (and can’t) take into account the inevitable Democrat voter fraud. Still…

Captain Obvious

Not really

any surprise, now is it?

Evil Clown

Often, evil will

doth evil mar

Epic fail Politics


Conservatives are ready to govern.

I mean, how can Democrats not recognize, at least to themselves, that they have failed?

Current Events

Yes, probably

gonna happen. Of course, Democrats are HUGE into voter fraud, so nothing is for certain right now…

Current Events

Dems, we TRIED

to warn you!

Election Fraud Elections

It’s really

a good question. BUT, you can bet your booty that they will blame someone!

Yeah, but the issue for me is, it is not clear whether there will be enough Democrat voter fraud to change the course of the elections! Trust me, they will give it their all!

Current Events

Yeah, people of good

sense and strong morals are doing what the need to do to make things better. Come, join us…