Current Events

Yes, yes.

people are indeed learning. And this lesson, once learned, is pretty hard to forget…

Immorality Media Flying Monkeys

Yeah, this MSM

rank dishonesty can’t last forever. Even now, most people realize they are full of crap.

The MSM is furious that Elon Musk is exposing Democrats and the feds at large for their grotesque manipulation of information and suppression of free speech. The fact that the iron grip of totalitarianism is closing around the throat of American citizens is of no interest to a media more interested in their own sense of prestige, importance, access, and virtue.

Already, many people just don’t give a crap what the partisan NY Times says. Why on earth would you?


Uhm, scumbag

hypocrisy. He should be embarrassed by his rank hypocrisy. But like MOST dead-ender Democrats, he won’t be. These folks are characterologically incapable of shame.

Sumpin’ WRONG with them!

Fighting Back

People are

getting torqued and starting to clean house on a local level.

Let’s roll

Fighting Back

What if states

can just ignore most executive orders? “Biden” just wouldn’t have much power left! And THAT is how it should be…

Voter Fraud


Democrats focus on the low-effort vote. How much so is plain to everyone with half a brain, THAT is why they are into vote-by-mail and “motor-voter” schemes. It is a species of voter fraud, that defining characteristic of Democrats!

NO ONE with any sense should be at all fooled! THAT is what this is ALL about! It truly has nothing at all to do with ballot access.

Fighting Back Illegal Immigration Justice


good. Border communities should not be the only ones to suffer, as Democrats want.

“Texas has bused over 15,900 migrants to sanctuary cities,” Abbott wrote on Twitter. “ … We’re providing relief to local communities overwhelmed by President Biden’s open border policies.”

Captain Obvious Human Misery

You know,

it can’t go on forever. Eventually the music stops and everyone is left scrambling for a chair. This short-term thinking will be the death of us all if we fail to get a grip on the spending. And Democrats are just NO help on this!

What do they want, a total collapse and untold human misery?


See, the problem

is that of real life competence versus a mastery of the low arts of politics. See, Joe Biden has indeed mastered the low arts of politics. And that mastery is primary for him.

But once he reached his goal of the presidency, he was like a dog that chases cars and then doesn’t know what to do when he actually catches one!

The goal of taking an office was always the foundational goal, Biden’s North Star, if you will. Competence was never the actual goal or driving force! He just assumed that he could do it. Well, he was wrong…

Trump, on the other hand, came at it from the opposite direction. Yeah, you may not like him, but likability was never the primary factor–it was competence. Get elected, sure, but personal popularity was never the foundational issue! He was competent first.

A primary weakness of MANY voters is that they mistake “nice” for “competent.” Even higher IQ Democrats founder on the shoals of that weakness. And voters who have never run their own business or been an executive bleatingly go down that path.

But sometimes “nice” and “competent” are two very different things. For example, General Patton in WWII was far from “nice.” BUT, he was extraordinarily competent as a tank commander.

Abraham Lincoln, in the Civil War, said of his alcoholic and unpleasant General U.S. Grant, “I cannot spare this man. He fights.”

Understand well, people didn’t elect DJT because he was “nice.” They elected him because they deemed him competent.

Illegal Immigration

Honestly, THAT

is a big deal!


And keep in mind, this is the Supreme Court. So for now…

The Supreme Court stayed a trial judge’s ruling that would have ended Title 42 and has, for the time being, allowed the rule to remain in place. The court issued an unsigned 5-4 opinion that was a victory for the 19 states that had sued the federal government to keep Title 42 in place.