
As I have told

you over and over, Conservatism is the new punk rock (bad language warning!). In the immortal words of Johnny Rotten:

Cave, who was famously anti-establishment in his early career, sat down with UnHerd Britain’s Freddie Sayers to discuss his new book, “Faith, Hope and Carnage.” A former singer with post-punk bands The Birthday Party and Bad Seed, Cave delves into the topics of faith, spirituality, censorship and politics.

…Cave further went on to reject the “atmosphere of our culture,” which he says has people second-guessing things they write or say out of fear they’ll offend someone. “I do feel a kind of wet blanket has been thrown over art in general, and this is just not good,” he stated, adding that it’s “distressing to see” the sometimes merciless consequences of artistic honesty.

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