Current Events

It needs to

happen more.

I’ve never been much of a “jackpot justice” fan, but without some large settlements, this kind of crap is just going to continue.

A California school district has settled a lawsuit with a mother who sued after finding out that the school had attempted to “transition” her daughter’s gender without informing her, awarding the mother $100,000.

Bad and stupid behavior continues unless there is some sort of legal jeopardy involved. We are seeing the front edge of this with school districts. Also, people are starting to sue medical practitioners (primary care docs and surgeons) for the trans nonsense they have pedaled. THAT is how things change.


Yes. Yes

it does. Do you even wonder why? Are you stupid or something?

Election Integrity

Yeah, pretty


We ALL know that this just spittle-lipped election interference, right? I mean, it’s SO dang obvious to even the dullest among us!

Current Events

Always remember,


Fighting Back

We need to stand

up for what is right if we want good to prevail. There are times when you need to stand up, and it can be very hard. We need to set up some kind of fund to help people in such situations!

"Global Warming" nonsense "Green" religion

Did you NOT

know that it is all just a big ruse?

Then you are
A) Not very bright, or
B) An inveterate (and invertebrate) hack, a rigid partisan who will happily chuff down whatever dog food the Left gives you and then ask for a pat on the head.

Are there any other explanations that fit the data?

Age-related decline Psychopathology

Suuuure he did…

Biden has long been a chronic liar, but now he is ALSO riddled with dementia. So he no longer knows what is truth and what is merely narcissistic wish fulfillment.

What we are seeing here is the end-of-life meeting of narcissistic personality and being an inveterate (and rather compulsive) liar. This is the final stage and is as sure as the sun will rise in the east.


The only poll

that really counts is the one on election day. Still, this is good news.

I am SO pleased to see West running!

Age-related decline

What, is this

guy just a senile old idiot? Wait, don’t answer that–I think we ALL know the answer to that question…

He always made up self-aggrandizing stories about himself. THAT hasn’t changed. But NOW they are easily revealed as pure delusion.

And look at Joe Biden’s face in the photo. Sure, he is younger, but there is something else.

He looks mentally alive. Now you might think he was an idiot or agree with him or whatever. BUT, there is a stunning difference. And it’s NOT age.

Sure, there has been a butt-ton of plastic surgery and rampant botox, but that isn’t it, either. No, recent photos of Joe show that “Thousand-yard stare” that is so common in dementia.

Look at current photos of Joe Biden and compare them to even what he looked like in Obama’s second term. The difference is striking. And it’s exponentially worse when he speaks!

There is a good reason that his handlers work to prevent him speaking in public as much as possible!

Anyone who has been around people with dementia knows that Biden looks and acts like a person with dementia. Seeing him with other world leaders is just painful!

Anti-scientific stance Despotism Fighting Back

Hold on tight,

it’s coming again.

And I will not comply. And neither should you. This is utter and complete scientific nonsense! I’m tired of this bull crap.

YOU want me to wear a mask? Kiss my butt! At some point it is incumbent upon regular people to fight back…

Masking has never had “good data in community settings in the past” and “is literally incoherent now,” University of California San Francisco epidemiologist Vinay Prasad, who has questioned the research basis for masking, wrote on X regarding the New York City campaign.