Current Events

You DO realize

this is happening, right?

It’s not just Mexicans streaming across our porous southern border! Save yourself! Get rid of Jie Biden ASAP! There is only ONE candidate who will secure our border, and it sure ain’t Biden!

It’s serious now! So act accordingly.

Lefty Political Strategy

Ah well,

you knew it was going to happen! Yes, the playbook is worn, tired, and tattered, but it is the only playbook Democrats have! I guess it would be a bit more convincing if Democrats had not cried, “Wolf!” over and over again for the last 20+ years!

Democrats are seeking to make new Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) a boogeyman going into next year’s general election, citing his conservative voting record in the House. 

So ho-hum. Nothing even remotely new here. Yep, they’re doing it again. Yet again. Meet the new Democrat boogeyman. Same as the old Democrat boogieman. And same as the one before that, and the one before that… <sigh>

They are whining about his Conservative record. But they don’t have to convince me, I’m already on board!

Age-related decline Buffoons

Biden’s polling

free-fall continues. And it is NOT just Republicans!

Most significant is that much of Biden’s decline has occurred among Democrats—an 11-point drop. Gallup’s explanation is significant, because it attributes the decline to something other than Biden’s age

It’s not just that he is senile. It’s also that what little coherent speech he has is not at all pleasing to many Democrats. If he sides with Hamas, he loses the more normal base. But if he sides with Israel he loses the wacko college sheep crowd. So he is splitting the difference–and no one is happy!

Now don’t get me wrong–these Democrat wackos are not suddenly going to come to their senses and vote for Trump. But they may well be so unenthused about Biden that they just don’t make the effort to vote.

Current Events

Yeah, Biden’s

cognitive functioning is really bad now.

You don’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing…

Current Events

I agree:

Others will drop out soon.

The big question going forward is which contenders will follow Pence’s lead in suspending their campaigns for the 2024 Republican nomination in a race dominated by former President Donald Trump.

Political philosophy

Uh, yeah,

just why?

And I think that is a question many people need to ask themselves.

Do I vote Democrat out of either tradition or personal aggrandizement–to show that I am “different?” Just WHY do I vote Democrat?

People need to ask themselves some hard questions and not just float unthinkingly along.

I actually think that we are at the beginning of a considerably greater re-alignment than most people now realize, and that by far the larger movement will be from left to right.

Lefty Death-Rattle

Trust me,

RFJ, Jr. is going to take virtually NO votes from Trump. To say otherwise is flat-out delusional.



Lefty Political Strategy

“Yes, of course you’re

right, but we don’t talk about it.”

A prominent Democrat strategist claims that “leading” party members are pressuring him to shut up about President Joe Biden’s low polling numbers in the lead-up to the 2024 election.

… “Nobody is saying, ‘James, you’re wrong,’” he said. “They’re saying, ‘James, you can’t say that.’”

Captain Obvious Malignant Leftism

Sure, but if

you point out how weak Biden is as a candidate, you get immediately slimed by the dyed-in-the-wool Democrat partisans. Independent and critical thinking is simply not allowed in mainstream Democrat circles!

Remember, as a Democrat you don’t have to fall in love, you just have to fall in line…