Political philosophy

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Honestly, she is

a totally amoral shrew. People hate her, and for good reason.

This is the reason why President Trump’s standing with voters has continuously strengthened since he left office.  He is the antithesis of all that Hillary represents, which is why now might be the right time for him to rebrand Hillary Clinton, permanently, once and for all.  Trump recently re-monikered Hillary from “Crooked” to “Beautiful.”  After her never-ending assaults on those who support Trump most, and in addition to him previously referring to her as “the Devil,” now would be a good time for Trump to give her her most fitting name of all: Hateful Hillary.

But Democrats would be wise to look forward, not backward. And I don’t think an evil old relic like Hillary is the answer. That generation has passed.

Current Events

Kind of gobsmacking

to see things like this happen. But the truth is that people are really torques at the obvious gross mismanagement.

“New Yorkers are not happy with you because they think that we shouldn’t be receiving so many people here,” Dominican radio host Frederick Martínez, known commonly by his stage name “El Pachá,” told Adams during an interview with New York’s Mega 97.9 radio station on November 27.

Could it be that even New Yorkers are now finally starting to have ha enough? But they need to look at how they are voting…


The bottom line

is that Trump is in a good position to win.

As of this writing, Trump leads Biden by 2.6 percentage points nationally in the RealClearPolitics Average. This is Trump’s largest lead in the RCP average to date. Not for 2024, mind you. Ever.

Of course, it’s the state-level results that actually count. But Trump is ahead there, too.

But when the conversation returns to what we do know, there honestly is only one correct answer: Trump can win this election, and is well-positioned to do so.

Fighting Back


Punch back twice as hard! You sure you want to play this game, Democrats?

Anti-scientific stance Chumps

So then,

the mask is not just useless, but counter-productive.

Huh, go figure…


Well now,

I wonder just what is in those emails?

Now you see why Hillary Clinton kept all her emails on a secret server. That way the National Archives could not be forced to release them! She could just take a hammer to them…

Current Events

Yes, yes,

crap is starting to catch up with these guys. Still, they’ve been able to successfully dodge consequences for 30 years, so there’s good reason to think they may escape this, too.

Current Events

Yes, the Democrat

conflict is coming. I honestly don’t see how a Democrat Civil War is avoidable. Harris is the named heir apparent, yet she is amazingly incompetent and unlikeable.

“Not Trump” is not a platform, and it will soon be of no use at all. Sure, any Republican candidate will provoke Lefties to shriek that the R candidate is “worse than Hitler.”

Yet to pull the rug out from under Kamala’s feet would alienate (perhaps permanently) an important swatch of reliable Democrat voters.

But what must rankle Harris the most and speaks to how badly she must be viewed in Democratic power corridors is the utter lack of interest in her replacing Biden on the ticket. Joe Biden’s numbers are bad, very bad. His approval has been under water for the past two years. He is running behind Trump on multiple ballot test polls — despite Trump’s myriad problems. The double-minority woman Harris replacing Biden should be the talk of the town. But it isn’t.

Current Events

Well, I don’t

believe for a moment that Biden will ever get on the debate stage with Trump. Oh, there will be all sorts of excuses, but we all know the real reason–Biden is far too demented to do it once, let alone three times!

Just remember that I told you that would happen. I guess I could be wrong, but it is extremely unlikely that I am.