admit it; They screwed up big-time! And that is the most charitable explanation.
Our public health officials are getting around to admitting the fallibility of public health officials.
You establishment Lefties were wrong, and we skeptics were right. Now it’s time you ‘fess up and openly admit the truth, here!
Admit it:
–the “vaccine” didn’t prevent infection
–the vaxx didn’t prevent transmission
–the vaxx gravely injured people
–the vaxx killed people who otherwise would not have died
–government coerced people into getting the vaxx via pressure on businesses
–the risks of the vaxx outweighed any demonstrated benefit
And it’s NOT time to “forgive and forget.” IF the despots were actually repentant, THEN one might be inclined to forgive. But they are not. Please, there IS no forgiveness without confession. Anything else is just weaseling out–the dishonest whining of the damned!