Despite the Fed jacking up interest rates faster than at any time since the inflation-crushing Reagan-Volcker hikes of 1981 — and sucking liquidity out of the economy via quantitative tightening (QT) — inflation remains stubbornly above the Fed’s 2% target… and it could come roaring back thanks to growing cracks in the foundation of Bidenomics.
What would a real economist do?

BTW, you know Milei is an economist by profession, don’t you?
Javier Gerardo Milei (born 22 October 1970) is an Argentine politician and economist who has served as President of Argentina since December 2023. Milei has taught university courses in macroeconomics, economic growth, microeconomics, and mathematics for economists. He is an author on economics and politics, and also hosted radio programs on the subject.
Suffice it to say, Joe Biden is NOT a real economist. And apparently, none of his advisors are, either..
BUT, Joe Biden does have a corner on the “senile old buffoon” market!
You know, this is why you vote with your brain and not your spleen!