Current Events

Yes, don’t

cut your nose off to spite your face! I mean honestly, it just makes no logical sense!

It’s like saying that the green beans were boiled and not steamed so I am going to protest and eat a cow-pie instead!


Now that we’re getting dialed in for our “Groundhog Day” 2024 presidential election as far as the candidates go, the Republicans can focus on what they do best: tripping over themselves with internecine squabbles rather than focusing on beating the Democrats. A contested primary provides some cover for intra-party turmoil, even one that was never really a contest. 

Very often, it feels as if Republican voters and politicians fall in love with the sound of their feet stomping during what they think is a righteous tantrum and lose sight of who their real enemies are. I said to a friend last week that I don’t know how this party ever wins any elections.

… it bears repeating: this is not the election to let one’s feelings get in the way. Or matter at all. We are voting for a president who will hopefully reverse some of the damage done by the commies who are running Joe Biden’s brain. We’re not looking for a significant other or a prom date. 

Always remember who the real enemy is…