want it. Heck, I want it! But I am quite skeptical that it will happen. I think the “pull” is almost irresistible that Trump will choose a woman. And indeed, that may well be the “smart” move. Plus, Trump was very foolish in his juvenile hammering of DeSantis. I think it is a “black mark” on Trump himself–I’m really not sure that bridge can be rebuilt. It’s a shame…
But I hope it is Ron DeSantis. It won’t be, but that would be my strong preference.
In any case, let’s say that Trump picks Kristi Noem (a pretty dang good choice) as a running mate and then in 4 years she runs for President–choosing DeSantis as her running mate.
Yeah, that would be fine, too. But I think Ron DeSantis is a HUGE talent and should be used. Along with Tom Cotton (another HUGE talent).
Actually, I very much like DeSantis as Governor of Florida. However, he is term-limited and can’t run again next time. Now he can after that, since the limit there is two consecutive terms. If someone is Florida Governor after him, he is again eligible.