Current Events

Yeah, no thanks.

I won’t drink THAT Kool-Aid! That said, I really hope he wins CA and OR! That would be awesome!

It’s hard to believe that some conservatives are planning to vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., but here we are. 

Perhaps they still don’t know that Kennedy is a radical leftist or that he picked a radical leftist as his running mate. I have no idea. They can’t possibly be 100% aware of his policy positions because no genuine conservative could actually support RFK Jr. if they knew the entirety of his policy positions.

Actually, I think it makes sense in CA and OR as a strategic vote. I don’t think it makes sense anywhere else. But he is AGAINST voter ID, among other things. And he parrots the utterly stupid Lefty line on this.

So he’s either dumb or evil. Either way, he is not Presidential material.

In a 2008 interview with HuffPost, Kennedy claimed that voter fraud “doesn’t exist” and compared voter ID laws to Jim Crow laws. He further alleged that Republicans exploited concerns about voter fraud as a pretext to disenfranchise minority voters.

Bud, you’re stupid! Here’s proof:

“Republicans have seized on this in order to erect all kinds of obstacles and impediments that essentially mimic the old poll taxes that were used in the southern states during the Jim Crow period, to keep black people from voting. Today, they’re directed toward suppressing the votes, not only blacks, but Hispanics and American Indians, of young people of senior citizens,” he said in the interview.

Yeah, I really don’t get it (except in CA and OR).

So Kennedy is no different from your garden variety race-baiting Democrat who doesn’t believe in election integrity. Between this and everything else, how could anyone who claims to be a conservative vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?