Dementia Joe Psychopathology

Another day, another

Biden confabulation.

I use that word because I don’t know that he is necessarily lying. Not totally, anyway. And this is NOT a new thing for him (remember him talking about what Xi told him while they were hiking in the Himalayas together?).

See, he has spun fantastical yarns for so long, he really has a hard time differentiating fact from self-serving fantasy (especially now, that the self-aggrandizement is part-and-parcel with his fundamental way of being).

And if you pay attention, there is always a self-aggrandizing aspect to these stories–a “humble brag” at the very least. To make things worse, Joe Biden is now riddled with dementia and does what most dementia patients do–he confabulates stuff from his own psyche.

It is a brain disorder. He really is not able to tell fact from fiction, and so fantastical, self-serving stories and ideas automatically come to mind when there is a “gap” in his memory. See, those stories fit with Biden’s basic personality structure of narcissism. The brain just automatically “fills in” these gaps, and these self-aggrandizing stories are”fillers” for what is missing–because they are most readily at hand given his psychological functioning.

In other words, it is confabulation, not necessarily just lying, at least from his phenomenological perspective. I mean, he has always had no problem lying, either. But now those two things are intertwined.

It’s age-related thing. And most of the time grandkids will just say, ‘Sure, Grandpa…”