Culture Current Events

Yeah, times

are changing! And not necessarily in Democrats’ favor…

Civil Disobedience Courage

I think we

need to start getting comfortable with disobedience. You know like rockers used to be before they pretty much all became smarmy suck-ups!

Oh, and those who disobeyed the “vaccine” mandate nonsense helped bring it down.

Anti-scientific stance Epic fail

Wow! An

important finding! Or a very muddled one, at least. Maybe deliberately so…


That’s all? It means that of 100 people who had seasonal flu, 16 died in the next year and a half. (With respect to fatalities, we are talking almost exclusively about an elderly and severely ailing population; not reported is how many died in the next year and a half absent either disease.) Whereas, of 100 who had covid, 24 out of 100 died in the ensuing 18 months.

OK, eight more deaths per 100 after 18 months. And not necessarily related to either the flu or to COVID–they didn’t control for that. And not factored in at all is the exposure to the “vaccine” itself! As a scientific methodologist, I would have been utterly embarrassed to have created such a weak and lame study!

But fine, that result makes some sense (though even so, the effect size is extremely modest–miniscule, even. But then, what do I make of THIS?

Regarding both viruses, patient vaccination status did not affect results.

Huh??? Honestly, I don’t know how to interpret that statement given some of the other results in that study that were reported. Do you?

Evil Immorality

Well, it’s only

fair to give a little head start!

Current Events

Yep, in case you

had any doubts about that. I sure didn’t.

Remember, Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago for being a creep and a pedophile! No, Trump was absolutely NOT his friend…


OK, here

we go!


Yes, the Democrat

coalition of convenience is indeed starting to fray.

It was never actually long-term stable. It was just held together by a deadly concoction of greed, overweening (but baseless) self-regard, fear-mongering, and “other team” hatred.

But now we are seeing the Left being hoisted on its own petard…

Disgusting! Evil

Yeah, These VERY

common Lefty anti Semite evil clowns are just revolting!

Why on earth would I identify and associate with the spittle-lipped Jew-hating Left?


A Butt-Kicking

Office space in

big cities is in HUGE trouble! HEE-YOOOJ! Someone’s gonna be takin’ a bloodbath!


ANYONE with eyes

can see the reality, here.

Well, Biden hasn’t exactly gotten any younger or more vigorous. Frankly, he’s gotten worse. It seems like we’re regularly reporting on the gaffes, mental blocks, and other highly concerning behaviors of someone who should be in an assisted living facility, not the White House.

Of course, Biden’s troubles aren’t just related to his advanced age and cognitive decline. His poll numbers have been underwater since his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, and nothing he’s done since has been able to buoy his numbers. Meanwhile, the economy stinks, there’s an invasion at the southern border, and he’s not getting any praise for his handling of the Israel-Hamas war either.

… But when you read between the lines, it’s clear that NBC News realizes that whether Biden stays in or drops out, it’s a huge gamble for the Democrats because Biden had the audacity to seek a second term when people had been speculating for years he wasn’t going to seek reelection in the first place.