
It’s a scary

graphic for Leftists:

Over a 12% decline in CA, OR, WA, NM, and VA. Slightly less in NV, AZ, MN, NC, GA, and OH. Even IL! In these latter places there is about 10% of kids who miss the early Lefty indoctrination.

If you don’t understand that this will lead to significant electoral changes, you just are not very far-sighted.

And after doing preschool themselves, there will be a proportion of parents who decide that they want to keep homeschooling. And even if they only do it for a year or two, how many will continue through elementary school? How Conservative on the whole will kids be who didn’t go to public school until 6th or 7th grade? Because Lefty parents hardly ever homeschool…

Again, this is a very scary graphic for the Left. No wonder the Left fights so hard to destroy the traditional family!

Current Events

OK, but let’s

not get overconfident. Remember, “Biden” will go all-out to steal this election. It is an existential election for them!

I’m glad. But I’m also cautious…

Despotism Lefty FORCE

It is VERY common

for the Left. Typical, even. If they can’t win an argument with reason and facts, they will just try and shut you up! By any means necessary.

Just ask Donald Trump…


Why doesn’t Biden

fulfill his oath and see that the laws are faithfully executed?

Here we have the video of the day. It depicts a horde of illegal aliens breaking through the razor wire (mounted, I assume, by Texas authorities) and overrunning Texas National Guard soldiers seeking to resist them in El Paso. The video raises many questions, among them how many many “migrants” does it take to mount used to be known as an “invasion”?

This is treason!

Election Integrity

Just think about

how far rigid Democrats have fallen!

When reasonable people are fighting to have elections merely as secure as Mexico…

Indelible ink. Purple fingers. One day to vote in nearly all cases–you must have an overwhelmingly good reason each and every time. Come ON!


It’s just so

unfair, isn’t it?

MOST people get a bit wiser as they get older. Not some, though. And others are indeed wiser but keep up the Lefty schtick because it has become an integral part of their sense of self and now it feels like a leap into utter personality annihilation to, in good faith, reconsider. Not many can face that threat directly.

Economics Wisdom

It’s true:

One’s perspective does indeed change!

Captain Obvious Democrat Freakers Kooks

See, that’s the

problem “Biden”is faced with: Democrats and RINOs have screamed and thrown tantrums for so long about how Trump is the devil incarnate that most people just roll their eyes, say, “<sigh> here we go again…” and turn away.

But a funny thing is happening: voters are starting to tune out Team Biden hyperventilations and are believing their own lyin’ eyes instead. “Biden’s failure as president, indicated by his 55.5% disapproval rating and the country’s 65% wrong-track number, are factors,” notes the analysis. “Voters tell reporters they are nostalgic for Trump’s years (low inflation, no new wars, a controlled border, a strong economy, and low unemployment).” 

“Biden” seem to think that if they just get a little louder, a little more shrill, a little more coercive, that people will come over to their side and support them against the putatively evil Donald Trump.

Yeah, no.

I would tell the Lefty wackos to stop ranting and screaming, that they would catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, but they would never listen. They seem to be totally enamored with their ongoing tantrums, and can’t listen to reason or logic. Besides, they really have nothing else–there simply is no other tool in their toolbox. I mean, they certainly aren’t going to debate facts and policies!

So I’m not worried that they will change, even though I have told them very clearly what the deal is. They are who they are. But most of us are no longer willing to be an audience to their juvenile hissy fit psychodrama.

You can only “Cry wolf!” so many times before regular people just ignore you.



You are kidding!

Current Events

A 42-year-old

athlete dies. Very sad. And bizarre.