
Oh please, oh please,


But it will just never happen: Take the two guys who are both striving to be the most full-of-crap politician the world has ever seen and put them on the same ticket?

Nah… It will never happen…

On November 9, Joe Manchin was asked to remove himself from consideration for reelection to the Senate. That request came from his voters. Deep down, he knew they were right, but he also knew that someday he would return to political office. With nowhere else to go, he looked across the aisle at his friend, Mitt Romney. Several weeks earlier, Romney’s voters had thrown HIM off the 2024 Senate ticket, requesting that HE never run again. Can two unloved politicians share a presidential ticket without driving the rest of us crazy?

Buffoons Dementia Joe Stooooopid!

Oh, so NOW

we finally know who let Biden’s disastrous speech go forward!

It was Joe Biden.

It is widely accepted by pundits on both sides of the aisle that Joe Biden did himself no favors by delivering an unplanned speech to the nation in the wake of the release of the damning Hur report. 

… So who pushed for the impromptu address to the nation? Who thought it was a good idea for Biden to go up there and lie about what the report actually said and then proceed to give credence to the report’s conclusion that Biden is an “elderly man with a poor memory” and that he lacks the “mental state of willfulness” by mixing up the leaders of Mexico and Egypt?

During Tuesday’s White House press briefing, we got an answer. According to press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, the decision was made by Joe Biden himself. [emphasis added]

Well, then let’s just see the transcript of the interview and we’ll see exactly how Hur came to his conclusions, since Joe Biden disputes the facts! Oh, except the White House itself refuses to release the transcript. Gee, I wonder why?

The White House has to know that it’s fighting a losing battle here. The transcript will only prove the report right, and refusing to release the transcript just makes it look like the administration is trying to hide something.

Well, they ARE hiding something! Trying, anyway.

Buffoons Captain Obvious

Yes, nurse-maid Jill is

offended, and so she squawks.

But notice well, she didn’t say that Joe is cognitively intact. And THAT is because he very obviously isn’t.

We see Biden has the schedule of someone who is taking it easy, and is staying out of sight as much as he can get away with. But, not once in the pitch does Jill even attempt to dispute the report by saying Joe Biden is sharp or has a great memory. If she did, there’d be no reason not to charge him.

Indeed, if he is cognitively intact, then charge him!

But don’t give me this total crap about how he is cognitively intact and should not be charged! It’s either one or the other! And THAT is why Hur wrote his report as he did…

Buffoons Captain Obvious Senile Joe

It’s clear to even

the dullest among us: Biden is NOT mentally competent enough to be President. And when he stood up Thursday night to rant about being called senile, he mistook the President of Saudi Arabia for the President of Mexico!

There, THAT will sure show them thar Conservatives that Joe Biden is far from senile!

“The President’s press conference this evening [Thursday] further confirmed on live television what the Special Counsel report outlined. He is not fit to be President,” House Speaker Mike Johnson declared in response to the episode. 

Biden asserted his memory is “fine” but later proceeded to erroneously labeled Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi as the “President of Mexico.”

THAT is what is known as an “own-goal.” It was a self-own of cosmic proportions! Oh my!

But I think there is more to it.

See, I suspect that this is the thin edge of the wedge that prompts Democrats to kick Biden out of office–though it not at all clear what they would replace him with.

So this may end up being the issue that starts the avalanche. Because while in the past most people have assumed Biden’s state of poor mental functioning, this is an undeniable confirmation. I think Biden’s political survival is very much in question now. 

THAT is why we are seeing such a huge change in the betting market! I mean, in his angry, ranting rebuttal Thursday night, Biden misidentified the president of Mexico! And the name alone doesn’t even fit! Honestly, is any more proof needed?


Suuuure he did,

Nikki. Well, it’s getting late. You better run on home!

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley claims that former President Donald Trump “rigged” the Nevada Republican primary.

Buffoons Psychopathology

WOW! Biden

is magic!

President Biden told a crowd in Las Vegas on Sunday that he recently met with Francois Mitterrand, the French president who has been dead for nearly 30 years. 

He made a goof. But it’s not an innocent one. This is a guy who has chronically told self-aggrandizing lies over the years, and this time he just got a bit mixed up.

For me, it’s not the mix-up that is a red flag to me. No, it is the juvenile narcissistic name-dropping. The story is obviously false, so what intra-psychic need led him to tell it?

Buffoons Losers

Nikki Haley

creates her own fan mail. What a loser she is!

Yesterday, Haley took to social media to level a passive aggressive attack against President Trump, stating that Americans “want a choice, not a rerun.” Now, all the polls… and Haley’s back-to-back (double-digit) losses… and the MAGA energy of the Republican base suggest otherwise, but that’s all beside the point—Haley appears to have shared fake fan mail as evidence of her popularity. [emphasis added]

Get this weak piece of crap outta here!

Buffoons Captain Obvious

Yeah, you KNEW

Cori Bush would play the race card sooner or later! Seems like it is the only tool in her toolbox!

“… He, you know, him putting his mouth on it just shows his racism at its best from Congress.”

No one even cares about being called a racist. It is just old and tired…

Buffoons Current Events

Only 1 in 5?

I thought the number would be higher. Then again, maybe 3 in 5 are dishonest, leaving 1 in 5 that are just stupid!

One in five Democrats disapprove of President Joe Biden’s job performance, a recent Harvard/Harris survey found.

A butt-whipping Buffoons

Truly, it

was brilliant!