
Yeah, maybe.

I mean, what do Black people have to lose? They are already suffering with the sucky Democrat economic policies!

Famed rapper Curtis Jackson, known by his stage name 50 Cent, took to Instagram on Saturday to criticize New York City Mayor Eric Adams over a recently announced plan to distribute money to illegal immigrants using pre-loaded debit cards. Sharing a photograph of a New York Post article outlining the initiative, Jackson expressed his confusion and concern over the matter, candidly stating, “Maybe Trump is the answer.”

… The news has seen 50 Cent become one of a growing number of personalities in the music industry to voice support for former President Donald Trump, joining rapper Snoop Dogg who recently declared his respect for Trump. He stated, “He ain’t done nothing wrong to me. He has done only great things for me. He pardoned Michael Harris, so I have nothing but love and respect for Donald Trump.”

Change Current Events

Yes, that is

absolutely true.

During an MSNBC interview, a group of Black male voters compared their current lives to when former President Trump was in office— and it spells bad news for Biden. 

But here is my fear: “Biden” voter fraud carries the day.

“Biden” is sure acting like he doesn’t care what people think, and that may be an indication that he knows the fix is in. People don’t like him, and his poll numbers are abysmal.

But does he even care? Does it make any difference? It seems that perhaps the answer to these questions is, “No.”

So why? Just why doesn’t he care? Johnson didn’t even run again when actually, HE had better numbers than Joe! Now it could be that Joe is firmly on this Lefty track and there is no way to get off (nor does he want to). And that explanation (IMHO) is by far the most likely.

But there is another explanation, and while I think the probability is very small, we need to face it. Here it is: The Republic has fallen and we are once again subject to a king.

A disturbing thought. But one that needs to be examined.

Look, the “Fall of Rome” was totally imperceptible to those living at the time. THEY didn’t know that Rome had fallen! It was only after several hundred years that it became obvious (but mainly to historians). Bad things that happened were indeed bad, but they didn’t seem like markers of Rome’s fall to the people of the time!

So what about us? Are future historians going to date the “Fall of America” to the cheating that put Biden into office in the first place?


One of the main

reasons I want Trump to win is that of all the candidates, he is the most likely to do something like this.


Yeah, I know

the Lefty lackey MSM doesn’t want you to know and get “ideas,” but protests are happening around the world.

Change Current Events


please save us!

All these self-proclaimed “elites” who are oh-so-proud of their “education” have really looked down on working people.

But regular people have now come around to understanding that we need those truckers to save us!

Change Current Events Fighting Back

This monstrous

bill is DOA.

On Friday, House Speaker Mike Johnson said in a letter to colleagues that a package in the Senate, which includes funding for Ukraine and addresses the border crisis, would be “dead on arrival” in the House.

Change Fighting Back

Yes, yes.

Can you hear me now?

You will. Oh you will, all right…

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!

(Though from the sign I assume this is four years old. But it is still on point.)


We are starting

to see a few nervous Democrats break ranks with Biden. Is this the thin edge of the wedge?

Fourteen House Democrats voted to denounce the Biden administration‘s “open-borders policies” on Wednesday amid a surge in crossings and blue cities around the country getting overwhelmed with migrants.

I’m honestly not all that hopeful, yet. But it does make me raise my eyebrows a little.

Change Culture Current Events

Yeah, it’s NOT

just a 2016 anomaly! It is world-wide.

Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News that the recent wave of international populist and conservative victories, from Javier Milei’s win in Argentina to Giorgia Meloni’s victory in Italy and more, show that the international populist conservatives’ movement is “stronger” than it was in 2016.

In 2024, things are looking even better for conservative populists worldwide. Obviously, Meloni is now firmly the prime minister of Italy and has been for a couple years. Milei’s win in Argentina was a massive shot in the arm for the right headed into this year. Geert Wilders’ PVV party came out on top in the Netherlands, too, and he is currently working to form a coalition government with other parties. That’s what’s already happened, but what looms throughout this year could be a worldwide sweep—or at least a sweep through the West—for conservative populists leading up to Trump’s expected rematch with Democrat President Joe Biden in November here at home.

Lefties need to leave the Jurassic era: Things are changing…


Face it Lefties,

YOU were wrong and we were right. It’s really that simple.

And I would hope you have the good grace to apologize. Because YOU WERE WRONG! There just is no other way to put it; You were wrong.

At some point you really should just admit and move on. There IS no progression without that first step… It is AA’s Step One.