Cover-up! Dishonesty

Oh yeah,

the White House knows very well who the cocaine belonged to. So do YOU! That is the most likely scenario.

If this could be convincingly pinned on someone else, that would already have happened. The fact that they are still saying, “We don’t know whose it is!” means one thing and one thing only–It is virtually for sure Hunter’s.

Cover-up! Dishonesty


You don’t say!

The CDC removed “COVID vaccine” as the cause of death on a number of Minnesota death certificates, according to an anonymous tipster — and that has the Brownstone Institute referring to the health agency as the “Centers for Data Concealment.”


Ever wonder

why we don’t know these things? I don’t wonder…

Corruption Cover-up!


yes it does.

Suspicion of a cover-up is justified following news that the entire IRS team investigating presidential son Hunter Biden may have been removed from the case at the Justice Department’s behest.

… IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel explicitly promised Congress that nobody would suffer retaliation for acting as a whistleblower, but this week, the same whistleblower told a stunned Congress that his entire team has been pulled from the Hunter Biden case. Lawyers for the whistleblower wrote Congress that “this move is clearly retaliatory and may also constitute obstruction of a congressional inquiry.”

Richard Nixon was a piker…

Cover-up! Current Events

Just so you

know, running away is a time-honored Lefty stance! And I really can’t blame him for running away. Even in his brain-addled condition he recognizes that this is a “kill shot” aimed at the Left.

Cover-up! Current Events

Yeah, pardon


Republicans across the board are spiking the political football after President Joe Biden’s Department of Energy admitted that the coronavirus, originating in Wuhan, China, likely stemmed from a lab leak.

Are you Lefties just too pathologically narcissistic to apologize? I suspect that most of you are.

Make no mistake…

Those of us who are not mindlessly bleating Lefty sheep are simply not a bit surprised. Not. One. Bit. We have been saying this for a LONG time. And finally, even the Biden government bows to reality and admits it!

Bad Faith Cover-up!

Yeah, they knew

very well what was going on. DUH!

Face the facts here: This was either gross incompetence or treason. Pick your poison.

But the officials are also “confident it was intended for surveillance.” They can’t ignore that the balloon hovered “over nuclear sites in Montana.”


How, uh.


Corruption Cover-up!

Oh, was he

now? And why do you think THAT might be?

The counsel said that he did do press releases, but he was ordered and told they couldn’t be published. [emphasis added]

“Once again, the reasoning was the general counsel said he printed all the information, he answered all our questions, but he wasn’t allowed to turn it over to us,” Comer added. “The only people that could prohibit him from answering our request was either the Department of Justice or the White House.”