

Joe Biden!

Actually, it’s not at all that he even understands…

Culture Current Events

Just a hunch,

this will work better than a spit-in-your-boiled-peas “woke Leftist” approach.

I think we are ALL sick of that!

In a shocking move, mega-ice cream seller Baskin-Robbins has re-branded itself for 2022 — and neglected to include any obnoxious, in-your-face woke themes in its new marketing! No parade of rainbow creatures, no pant-suited feminist mascots, no underdogs bravely standing up to America’s racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, xenophobic system. There’s nary a victim nor a woke hero to be seen. It’s almost eerie.

Culture Morality

Look, there are a TON

of people out there who have good sense.

It’s easy to get discouraged, to think the whole country has gone to Hell in a hand-basket with their “black-is-white” and “up-is-down” assertions. And that is what the Left wants you to think!

Like ALL abusers, they want separate you from like-minded people, make you feel totally isolated, alone, and “crazy”for believing what you do. They are “gaslighting” you…

But always remember; There are many good people out there. You are NOT alone.

Buffoons Culture

A feel-good

story for today.

Culture Lefty Political Philosophy


yes that’s true…

Culture Current Events


let’s hope!

That “transient inflation” (that Biden officials and sycophants on the Federal Reserve talked about for months before it became too ludicrous to mention) along with high fuel costs, shortages, and the gnawing realization that the president of the United States may be in cognitive decline have all contributed to a narrative that Joe Biden is finding harder and harder to change.

In the next few months, Republicans will try to make Joe Biden the primary issue in the campaign. While conventional wisdom dictates that congressional races are driven by local politics and local issues, this is one instance where making Biden the face of failure on the economy will bring about a landslide GOP victory and a red wave that will swamp Democrats and give Republicans decisive majorities in Congress.

Yes, but don’t get cocky. Democrats cheat!


Look, Bill Maher is

NOT a Conservative. In no way, shape, or form.

But he still has been telling the truth lately. He has NOT been “red-pilled” by any stretch. Even so, unlike most prominent Lefties, he has at times been willing to tell the truth.

Culture Politics

Democrats just

got stomped.

Guys, it’s just the beginning…

People, run for school boards and other local positions!

That said, let’s not get complacent, folks. It’s on. And Democrats will fight like cornered rats. So DON’T think it’s over.

Culture Current Events

PA is rapidly

becoming a HUGE Battleground state.


I think that

the tide is turning. But we shall see…