Culture Evil

What could

possibly be wrong with this?

In the gay community, grown men who prey on boys are a kind of well-known type, a recurring motif. They even have a name for them. They are called “chickenhawks.”

Culture Humor

I think it’s

pretty dang important for companies to heed the warning.

The truth is, they are NOT the vanguard of American culture. They are not the caboose either, but more like the first car after the engine.

And not understanding that has been devastating. I mean, how long will it now take Disney to recover? Will it ever? They chose… poorly.

It appears leadership at the streaming service have suddenly realized what the left has been feeding them isn’t health food—it’s cyanide. Netflix has acted to save itself and that means quickly and definitively ending it’s love affair with wokeism by laying-off at least 150 employees they had previously hired to work on woke programming and issued a memo to its staff rebuking censorship. 

Yeah WOW! Netflix said:

If you’d find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you.

It doesn’t get much clearer than that, now does it?

Comedy skewers pompous dogma. Which is why the Left hates it and why states like the USSR and East Germany were so famously un-funny! Just see “The Lives Of Others.”

Most good comedy thrashes sacred cows, and it ALL depends on a sort of verbal mis-direction. Comedy is the antithesis of “concrete,” and needs a puffed up and self-important object. So rigid ideologies are a prime target. Thus, the Left hates it!

The Left can’t abide looking ridiculous. They know well that ridicule destroys their authority. And it therefore can’t abide humor. It simply can’t afford to laugh at itself!


Some CEOs are

starting the realize that “woke” is a financial death wish.They have been very slow to come to that understanding!

There was a pompous, “Yeah, but they can’t do without ME!” But as pro sports has found out, oh yes they can! And will.

But we may be seeing the beginning of a cultural shift, here. I suspect that there will be an avalanche.

As the Netflix CEO said to his employees, “If you find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you.”

It really doesn’t get a lot clearer than that, does it?

In talking about Chappelle, the CEO said: “Nobody would say that what he does isn’t thoughtful or smart,” he said. “You just don’t agree with him.”

And also: “We’re programming for a lot of diverse people who have different opinions and different tastes and different styles, and yet we’re not making everything for everybody.”

So here is the message to the woketards: “Shut up and do your job or get the heck out–we are NOT your idealogical platform.”

Culture GetWokeGoBroke

Hollywood needs

to learn, “woke” don’t work!

I think that it has now been several years since I’ve attended a movie in the theater. It is now a steaming crap-fest of “woke.” I do remember going a few years ago, but I really have no idea what the film was. Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs? Snoozer…

But THIS is a film I would go see. And it’s been a LONG time since there was a decent flick out. Maybe since LOTR. At least, that’s the last one that actually sticks in my mind–I’m sure there were a few others, but they were entirely forgettable.

Change Culture

The truth is,

it’s NOT just Elon Musk.

Elon Musk won’t be the only person to change parties. Why? It’s well-documented Democrats have veered too far to the Left – especially through controlling all levers of government.

… And even Democrats agree their party must moderate their approach going forward. Last summer, Morning Consult revealed Americans find the Democratic Party more polarizing and extreme than the Republican Party. 

Buffoons Culture

Yeah, it’s the predictable

response by celebrities. They look down on YOU.

They have no bread? Then let them eat cake, instead!


THIS should

tell you something that is culturally important.

Both Meghan McCain’s and Jill Biden’s books were unbelievable flops coming out. Nurse Ratched Jill’s book sold sold something like 250 copies coming out: first-week sales of just 250 copies of the biography of Jill Biden, Jill: A Biography of the First Lady, by two Associated Press reporters.

But a few days before that:

Meghan McCain’s book sold a mere 244 copies: According to an NPD BookScan provided to Secrets, it sold just 244 copies in the first few days…

That is beyond catastrophic!

It means that a) the culture has shifted, and Lefty ideas just are not popular now. There has been this stark contrast between Conservatism (Trump) and Extreme Wacko Leftism™ (“Biden”) and it is really quite clear that to be aboard the Leftist cruise is to be aboard the ship of the damned–a death ship.

And Leftists are desperate to blur those lines. The last thing on earth they want to face is a measuring stick! Because THAT would end the debate once and for all as to which political philosophy is more functional. No, for the Leftist, rational debate and honest measurement must be avoided at all costs… Circle of Safety and all that.

There is a reason Lefties have concentrated their fire on Trump the person. They avoid rational argument because they don’t dare argue actual policy–that would leave them totally exposed!

It also means that b) Lefties are not motivated at all. Oh sure, the dyed-in-the-wool slavering partisan shills will always be motivated, but regular people? Not so much.

The MSM will dutifully perform their role as palace guards, but it’s not at all clear to me that it will tip the scales this time. Maybe.

But there are other sources of information that are now more or less culturally accepted by most people. Pretty much only the very elderly pay much attention to “the nightly news” now, anyway. And the MSM has proven beyond a doubt that they are shills and liars.

There is a reason that CNN is on the modern Bataan death march! It is the deadly concoction of people not caring and not trusting them.

Plus, the Republicans are now (finally!) refusing the obviously unfair Lefty “debates.” There may be some form of it (and I have some ideas), but the days of Chris Wallace or Candy Crowley openly putting their grubby little thumbs on the scale are over.

Democrats have forced Conservatives to open up the proverbial can…


Yes, Democrats

Have been taken to the woodshed by DeSantis.

Culture Elections

I agree.

Let’s not get overconfident. Still

It’s a nightmare scenario…


Yes, yes.

YOU didn’t leave Democrats. THEY left YOU!

Did conservatives as a whole change? I would argue “yes,” but not in the way most people believe. I think conservatives as a whole MOVED TO THE LEFT a bit on social and cultural issues, in part (but not entirely) because of Donald Trump’s presidency.