Current Events



A lot of Black people are just not willing to go along with this nonsense once it has been made explicit!

Current Events


Biden crapped on by a bird. A VERY patriotic bird…

Basic Economics Current Events

Want to fix inflation?

Oh, you can. But so far our politicians have no stomach for it! Especially the Left, but also many on the Right. But we better get a grip soon! Because if we don’t change soon, this will just end in bitter tears…

Avoidance and denial are simply not good strategies, here. And “Biden” is busy throwing gasoline on this fire!

Crime Current Events

Well OK,

let’s see what happens

Current Events

I think DeSantis

is a great option. Maybe the best one. See, supposed “moderates” get exposed as mere mindless Lefty shills if it is DeSantis. DeSantis also doesn’t have the baggage Trump does–no matter how unfairly it was acquired.

Trump was a VERY good President, and was treated abysmally by the MSM. And he was flat-out cheated out of his second term. No question about ANY of that.

But DeSantis may well be the better option in 2024. He certainly doesn’t provoke the unhinged, knee-jerk, kooky opposition that Trump does. And while I can mock that opposition as incredibly moronic, it is nevertheless there and I still have to deal with it.

DeSantis just gives me one less hurdle to leap…

Current Events


So what is happening? SOMETHING sure is! Elon didn’t make this change for nothing or on a whim.

I smell a hostile takeover!

But what if several other wealthy Conservatives each bought an 8% share?

Well, I would sign up for Twitter, for one thing…

Current Events

You know the saying,

Get woke, go broke.

I would advise everyone: Get rid of Disney+. Get rid of HULU (owned by Disney). ESPN is also owned by Disney. Enough!

Current Events


ya think? Thanks, Captain Obvious!

More people worship the rising sun than the setting sun.
–young Pompey The Great (to the senior dictator Sulla)

NB: I think it’s easy to not understand just how risky and nervy this was. Sulla had killed A TON of people for a whole lot less!

Corruption Current Events Immorality

I think it’s true

that the 2020 Presidential election was SUCH a scam and a sick joke and the Biden clan is SO amazingly corrupt and Joe is SO senile and incompetent that there is a HUGE and mounting backlash.

The Democrat lawlessness and unmitigated evil has provoked decent and moral people to action. The contrast is now undeniable, and you are forced, of logical necessity, to choose a side.

The gap between morality and immorality has greatly widened, as I predicted over the last eight years or so. And now we are about at the point now where that gap can no longer be straddled–we will ALL have to jump to one side or the other. Or fall into the ditch of filthy water and be drowned.

Be wise…

Current Events

A useful map: