Current Events

He might well

make a very good press secretary!

Current Events

Here is the

Democrats’ evil plan: Boost Nikki Haley. Mimic “Miss Piggy” Cheney in Montana and get Democrats to vote for her in the open Republican primary. And that is faaaar from the only thing Nikki haley has in common with Miss Piggy Cheney…

Nikki is, to put it baldly, a Democrat. Yes, she masquerades as a Republican, but I’m not sure she is conservative enough to even be considered a RINO.

SO, the Democrat honcho plan is to get everyone but Trump and Haley to drop out. Haley won’t, because she is being fed scads of money by the Left (THAT is a matter of record). Then the last real Republican challenger retires from the race (not Nikki though, because she is not really a Republican).

At that point the Left finally succeeds in throwing Trump in jail–or at least off the ballot. So Nikki is the default candidate–the only one left standing. Who cares about the General Election, since both she and Biden are Democrats!

Devilishly clever. Infernal, really.

NH, don’t fall for it! If you are such an MSM victim that you can’t vote for Trump, vote for DeSantis. Because a vote for Nikki Haley is a vote for Trump hatred and for Biden…

Current Events

Egypt discovers

that <gasp!> border walls work…

And yet Lefty moron have told us over and over for the last four yeas that they don’t. These people are liars and rubes!

Current Events

Uhm, bad move,

Yemen. Really bad move! Yeah, I know Biden seems like a toothless, senile old loser. BUT, he does control the world’s most powerful military (even with the stupid wokery and horrible leadership) and Biden is desperate to show that is not just a milquetoast old loser. And YOU may have just volunteered to be the object of his “tough guy” demonstration.

Just a baaaad move.

Current Events


he wouldn’t! Because as much as he postures otherwise, he is a full-throated Democrat hack. Sure, he can at times talk a good game, but he is a liar.

THAT is why he is losing his Senate seat. So don’t get snookered by him–he will never actually run! He will always seem almost ready to, but he never will.

Current Events

Look at things

with a bit of an unblinking (and un-blinkered) eye: Justice Thomas is a towering intellect and historical figure.

And yet, despite his now-undeniable skill as a jurist and judge, Thomas finds himself the target of criticism that differs in kind from that reserved for the Court’s other conservative justices. One expects public disagreement with his most controversial opinions; we should welcome intellectually rigorous dissent, for no one can test the validity of ideas without it. But too often, critics attack not Thomas’s ideas but the man himself—and this is especially true of black critics, who regard him not merely as mistaken but as a traitor who has forfeited his status as “authentically black.” 

Current Events

I am shocked

and amazed.

Et tu, Nikki?

I mean, it’s not like any former Ramaswamy voters are now going to move to Nikki Haley! None. They ALL go to Trump. DUH!

Current Events

Just remember,

things are different in Islam. And Leftism.There is no humor in Leftism, either. And for most of the same reasons…

“Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam [or Leftism–ed.]. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious. Islam does not allow swimming in the sea and is opposed to radio and television serials. Islam, however, allows marksmanship, horseback riding and competition.”
― Ruhollah Khomeini

See, American Leftist comedians now almost ALWAYS just try and get mere “Clapter.” Actual stand-up humor most often derives from skewering sacred cows–there is ALWAYS a verbal misdirection, a juxtaposition of the serious and the ridiculous. And like Islam, Leftism simply cannot tolerate that.

Hence, Seinfeld and many comedians will no longer do college campuses.

There’s nothing funny in Leftism or NAZIs or East Germany, comrade! Yeah, Germans are famously un-funny for a reason…

Current Events

Nikki FAILey…

I know the MSM loved her and pushed her, but most regular people just aren’t feeling it for her.

And no wonder. She is a GOP Hillary Clinton without the history of murdering people.

Current Events

It really didn’t

take long, did it?