Election Fraud Evil Clown

I think we ALL

want answers! The Maricopa voter leaders have become the evil Keystone Kops of democracy…

Election Fraud

Yes, yes.

You have been gaslighted.

If you believe Democrats made a miracle happen, without cheating, rigging and stealing…I have a bridge to sell you, over the Atlantic Ocean, in the Vegas desert.

Election Fraud

Huh, maybe…

But given the recent history, you would be a complete and utter fool to just summarily dismiss it. It’s being reported in several areas…

Of course, it’s completely normal on Election Day for 44 polling places to run out of paper simultaneously. Don’t start fueling conspiracy theories by noticing that such a shortage must be deliberate!

Election Fraud


the steal is on!

You are NOT too stupid to understand what is happening!

Election Fraud


the steal is on! But there are some things you can do to make sure your vote counts.

Current Events Election Fraud

Desperate? Yes.

But dangerous? Oh yes.

The BIG problem is voter fraud. Democrats have ZERO problem with it. And there will be people who are not officially elected because the Democrat cheated.

Do your part to mitigate voter fraud. Go be an observer!

Election Fraud

Well, I think that

that is likely true. The fly in the ointment is… voter fraud. I just have severe misgivings about the fairness of the process. Democrats have abundantly shown they they will cheat if given half a chance.

Already we are seeing this: PA Voter Database Suffers Outage as Election Day Nears. Kinda… odd, wouldn’t you say? Also, Biden is saying how it will suddenly take a few days to “count” the vote. You know, enough time to fabricate ballots. Ominous!

So yes, all signs point to a HUGE red wave. But, Democrats WILL cheat and it’s hard to know just how successful they will be in that cheating.

But you can bet that Democrats will not go softly into that good night, and are more than happy to risk a civil war over tyranny. So they may cheat their way into keeping the Senate.

BUT, the silver lining is that I DON’T think they can cheat enough to keep the House. So that may be all the “good guys” have. I dearly hope it is enough.

Democrat Death-Rattle Election Fraud

Yes, the gap

is widening.

And JD Vance has an eight point lead, now.

Republican nominee J.D. Vance leads Rep. Tim Ryan, the Democratic nominee, by 8 percentage points, 51 percent to Ryan’s 43 percent. Among undecided voters, who account for 4 percent in these final days, Vance’s lead gets even higher, as he leads by 9 percentage points, with 53 percent to Ryan’s 44 percent.

And even “safe” Lefties like Maggie Hassan in NH and Patty Murray in Washington State are struggling mightily to keep their heads above water!

The only real issue is voter fraud. And that is a HUGE issue. Go be an observer!

Election Fraud

Hey, they are a

parody site! Why are they reporting straight news?

They need to stay in their lane!

Election Fraud Elections

It’s really

a good question. BUT, you can bet your booty that they will blame someone!

Yeah, but the issue for me is, it is not clear whether there will be enough Democrat voter fraud to change the course of the elections! Trust me, they will give it their all!