
First the

Catholics. Then the Baptists, then devout Jews, then the Mormons…


Yes. Yes they

are. And I think it is evil to exploit a brain-injured and loosely psychologically intact person.

Don’t you?

Because THAT is exactly what Democrats are doing!

The Dems all banded together and pushed this guy into the Senate, instead of allowing him to recover from a near-fatal stroke. They did this to him.

… You want to talk about ugly? How about pushing the victim of a near-fatal stroke to run for office instead of recovering, so that now he almost certainly has permanent brain damage? Is that ugly, Adam?

Evil Incompetence

Yes, it was

an amazingly bad failure. Utter incompetence. Just amazing!

But the pivotal last two years of U.S. assistance to Afghanistan proved decisive in creating the conditions that led to the fall of the U.S.-backed government and the loss of $7 billion in military equipment to the Taliban.

They are being FAR too nice. It was Joe Biden’s incompetence. There is no mystery why it happened on his watch. It was no accident!

But it was Biden’s weak support for the agreement that ultimately doomed it. “The character of the withdrawal left many Afghans with the impression that the U.S. was simply handing Afghanistan over to a Taliban government-in-waiting,” the report said

Civil Rights Despotism Evil

Please, don’t

EVER forget!

Epic fail Evil

Welcome to

the”Biden” Pleasure Dome!

You’re a long way from home…

Evil Illegal Immigration

Well, “Biden’s”

border policy doesn’t merely suck, it is malignant. So places like Texas need to fend for themselves…


Really no

mystery. It was yet another Arkancide. DUH! Are you actually confused?


How dumb can you be? Maybe it’s not always stupidity–it is often willful ignorance, after all!

the weapon itself never turned up.

Gee, how does that happen? A suicide. Riiiiight.

Do I look stupid? No really, do I look stupid?

UPDATE: New reports say that the death weapon WAS there. But the report is that it was 30 feet away from the victim. I guess no one thought it could be that far away so no one looked!

Could most people even throw a full-size shotgun 30 feet? AFTER a catastrophic wound? It seems quite unlikely that recoil alone would carry it that far. Could it really go 30 feet on its own? Even from a tree?

As a longtime shotgunner, I am VERY doubtful. 30 Feet? No way–not without a STEEP slippery hill. 5 feet? Unlikely, on flat-ish ground, but perhaps under just the right conditions–you know, ultralight, single shot, 10-gauge…

Anti-Semitism Evil

Oh, imagine


Corporate “science” has really been shown to be an emperor with no clothes, lately. For example, MANY seminal social psychology experiments (ones that were the basis of Psych 101) have been shown to be totally fraudulent.

I mean BIG, culturally relevant studies like Milgram and the Stanford Prison Experiment! Milgram was so culturally prominent that it even showed up with Bill Murray doing it in a movie!

The problem is NOT with science. It is with scientists. And they have discredited Science as a whole. The damage in human terms is incalculable.

Biden-induced misery Evil

What a evil

FOOL he is!

What the crap is he doing!!!??? He really doesn’t appear to have the best interests of the US in mind. Is this treason?

Though to be fair, there’s not much of HIS mind left–HE doesn’t really do the thinking. His “aides” are actually calling the shots.

Still, he is the one who chose them! Or (at least as likely), HE was chosen and told just who he was to put in the White House. And since he personally was fine with that direction anyway, he just went along.

A fool and his strategic oil reserve are soon parted…

Now, we also need to talk about the fools who voted for “him.”

Dishonesty Evil

They are just

liars. And the result is a well-justified distrust of soi-disant experts.

Republicans raked former Twitter executives over the coals yesterday. It was so damaging that I almost felt sorry for them until I remembered how corrupt and damaging their actions were. They distorted the information flow during the presidential campaign, doing far more damage than the Russians ever could.

This wan’t a “mistake” or some kind of “innocent error.” This was deliberate and purposeful deception. Well, we won’t be fooled again…