

utterly implodes. Can it even survive for very long?

Things have gone from bad to worse to unfathomable at CNN, and a new audience metric is glaringly awful.

… As a sign of the tumult, it was announced last week that the network staff remaining in the CNN Center located in downtown Atlanta would be completely moved to the network’s original campus. Things appear dismal inside CNN offices, and morale is plummeting – but it is not falling as drastically as the ratings. In 2022, as Fox remained basically steady, CNN managed to lose -33% of its audience, and fell -36% in the advertising demo. Making this all the more staggering, that drop is off from the numbers of the year prior–when the network lost -90% of its coveted viewers.

As a wise man (a doc in the ER) once told me, ALL bleeding stops, eventually!


CNN’s ratings

utterly collapse.

Good. They richly deserve it.

GetWokeGoBroke Stooooopid!

If you are

surprised, you are just stupid!

ALL didacticism destroys art. It is (dareI say it?) kryptonite to art. Have you somehow not learned that, yet?


Well, that’s

what happens when you “get woke!”

Are YOU surprised? I’m sure not. The last movie I saw in a theater was “Glass Onion,” and I saw it because it was in the same world as the wonderful and clever “Knives Out” film.

And “Glass Onion” had a VERY limited release and is now on Netflix.

But the films are both a bit of a throwback to the Agatha Christie era of great whodunnit movies. The recent “See How They Run” was quite good, too.

But many studios are cranking out “woke” superhero crap in the hopes of making a buck. No thanks…

Didacticism is death to artistic expression!

GetWokeGoBroke Media Flying Monkeys


shame, eh?

Change GetWokeGoBroke

Kind of

harshes the mellow, eh?


The truth is,

CNN is indeed imploding. Good. They richly deserve it.

Epic fail GetWokeGoBroke Stooooopid!

Life is hard.

It’s harder when you’re stupid!

Donors just aren’t going to stand for this crap!


You know,

it’s pretty dang obvious what happened, here. One reporter made some rather stupid and crude comments on a public forum. And the wokester other freaked out and went all ape-crap “cancel culture“ on him.

Case closed.

When you keep a vicious dog, spare me the whining when it bites YOU.

Culture GetWokeGoBroke

Hollywood needs

to learn, “woke” don’t work!

I think that it has now been several years since I’ve attended a movie in the theater. It is now a steaming crap-fest of “woke.” I do remember going a few years ago, but I really have no idea what the film was. Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs? Snoozer…

But THIS is a film I would go see. And it’s been a LONG time since there was a decent flick out. Maybe since LOTR. At least, that’s the last one that actually sticks in my mind–I’m sure there were a few others, but they were entirely forgettable.