
You know,

false allegations often have consequences.

Saifullah Khan’s lawsuit can proceed after the court ruled on June 27 that the former Yalie, who was expelled, can sue his accuser because the university’s sexual assault proceedings did not resemble actual judicial procedures.


“Pay your bills

bills like adults!

Good advice. You’re not kids. You may be fools, but you’re not kids!

One individual appearing to be an older male interrupted several speeches shouting “Pay your bills like adults!” and “You are no longer children.” 

Culture Justice

The combination

of Lefty violence and lax law enforcement is a powder-keg of vigilanteism.

I’ve said this over and over and over before. Vigilanteism is bad, don’t get me wrong. But it is understandable, and it is a HUGE cultural meme–there have been few dramas in the last 200 years that were not rooted firmly in vigilanteism. Probably RomCom (not drama) is the only genre that is NOT expressly vigilante-driven. And even then vigilanteism may well be there in some limited measure…

I mean, think about it! Even in modern literature. What is The Order of the Phoenix but a vigilante group? When Harry thought Sirius was in danger, he didn’t call the police…

Look, when people feel that the laws are not being fairly and evenly applied and that they or loved ones are in danger or unfairly treated because of it, you get vigilanteism. Good and fair police work and an overriding fair rule of law prevent vigilanteism.


OK, let’s

hope! There’s a lot of work to be done, here.

Little by little the bird makes its nest. Words to live by. Chevron Deference needs to die!


I agree, it’s

not an empty threat.

Now I understand that the Senate, aided by RINOs like Romney, won’t ever remove him from office. But they should.


Well, I hope

it happens. It should, in terms of morality and justice.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on Sunday signaled that an impeachment inquiry of Attorney General Merrick Garland would be imminent if whistleblower allegations that U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware David Weiss wanted to appoint a special counsel in the Department of Justice’s Hunter Biden probe are true. [emphasis added]

This whole “Biden” regime is as corrupt as the day is long!

Corruption Justice

I honestly

don’t know if things are starting to spin out of control for “Biden.” I certainly hope so, because I value justice over vulgar partisanship. But everyone doesn’t think that way or have the same values-they value corruption IF it suits their political preferences. And I have seen justice squelched by the Democrats many times before.

Their motto is “If I want it, it’s good.” THEY are the “measure of all things,” so to speak.

But now Joe Biden may have become something of an unavoidable liability. But Democrats are in a bit of a bind, and seem to have little choice but to muscle through this, criminal investigations and all.

“This WhatsApp directly ties Joe Biden to the millions of dollars coming from communist China,” Cruz said. “Now, it is possible Hunter Biden was lying, it’s possible Joe Biden wasn’t next to him. It’s possible Joe Biden was not going to inflict official damage on the Chinese if they didn’t pay him and his son millions of dollars. That’s possible, but you know what, we don’t know if it’s true or not. Why? Because, according to the whistleblower, they didn’t investigate, and they were prohibited from investigating. They were prevented from even asking the question.”


It’s a good



I just want

equal justice under the law.

Lefties, is that too much to ask?

Corruption Justice


where IS it?