
This is

REALLY interesting!

Epic fail Medicine Science


physicians strike back! It’s about time that physicians and all sorts of providers stop cowering and speak up.

As a sort of provider myself, I understand. I fortunately wasn’t faced with it, but would I be willing to face loss of income in order to stand for truth? I sure hope so. But it was an amazingly difficult test.

But many providers were weighed in the balances and found wanting. I understand. And there but for the grace of God go I. But let’s be honest–it was still a massive failure.


VERY interesting


I strongly suspect that thus is not the whole story. But maybe part of it!

Civil Rights Medicine Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

I’ve just got

one thing to say:

It is interesting to note that the events in question are ischemic strokes. Ischemic strokes are caused by a loss of blood flow to parts of the brain, so they are a vascular phenomenon, suggesting that ischemic events could clearly be happening in other parts of the body.

Like, uh, THE HEART!

This is certain to fuel speculation about the apparent rash of sudden deaths and heart attacks in otherwise healthy people, although the CDC is very careful to say that right now they only have a “safety signal,” not anything definitive.

You believe the CDC, right? Oh, and they discovered this in November. They just didn’t get around to telling you about it for almost three months.

But I suspect there is a legal cause of action here: If I got the jab, say, right after Thanksgiving, and was equivocal about it but did it because I trusted the CDC, isn’t there some liability involved? Even if I didn’t have a stroke or myocarditis, NOW there is ongoing anxiety about what the future holds!

The CDC had a duty to provide information, they violated that duty, and I had damages that were a direct result of that violation.

And what if I were denied surgery or treatment because I wasn’t vaccinated?

I’m no attorney, but isn’t that a tort? Asking for a friend…

Understand, the effort to “whitewash” the vaccine issues now is NOT to protect Pfizer, et al. It is to legally protect the government and the schools and those employers who demanded the jab! Pfizer, et al. are already indemnified! The others? Not so much…

For enterprising lawyers, there is a gold mine, here! Can you say, “Class Action?”


Well, it’s

time to fight back!

Governor, who the crap are YOU to interfere between a doctor and patient?


Yeah, it truly IS

more than a bit unsettling


Both scary and

not at all surprising.

I am SO glad that I am a pureblood!


My my, we

sure are LUCKY!


Low levels of

vitamin D appear to be correlated with inflammation.

D3 supplements are cheap…

Now, world-first genetic research from the University of South Australia shows a direct link between low levels of vitamin D and high levels of inflammation, providing an important biomarker to identify people at higher risk of or severity of chronic illnesses with an inflammatory component.

Captain Obvious Current Events Medicine

Well, it’s pretty

dang obvious now!

Man, I’m happy I’m still a pureblood! I really dodged a bullet, there…

Did I mention that my boss got severe heart problems after getting the vax? Hmmmmm…

Ten percent of Americans who received the COVID-19 vaccine regret having done so, according to a recent poll.

In addition, 15 percent of the 1,038 adults that took the survey said that they have been diagnosed with a new condition by a medical practitioner, weeks or months after taking the vaccine. [emphasis added]

I’m sure that SOME of those new conditions were NOT directly caused by the vaccine. But at least 15% may have been damaged. That’s a lot! Let’s say it is actually half that. “Just” 7.5%.

Do you feel lucky, punk? Well, do you?”

“The mRNA vaccine technology is new and clinical trials naturally have no long-term data. CHD believes this survey points to the need for further study.”

Yup. I’ve been saying that all along. Novavax (IIRC) has a traditional, non-mRNA vaccine just coming out, and while I really don’t think I need it, I think that is virtually for sure a far better option, overall. And I’m not particularly opposed to it.

I just don’t think the mRNA vax is particularly effective and I don’t think it is particularly safe. I’m pretty much OK with the other, though I think that even the very small risk is not justified for most folks under about 70 who don’t have severe pre-existing conditions…

I didn’t take the mRNA vaccine when it first came out because the technology was new and I wanted to see how it would work “in the wild.” Besides, I’ve had the Delta variant and recovered, so I am immune. I can neither get nor transmit COVID.

Well, I think we have the answer to that question, now.