Current Events Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

As a student of

human beings, I really DO think the masks mandates are over. People are walking around, going out to dinner, going to school, going to church, and flying on airplanes, all without masks.

Can you imagine how people would react if these useless restrictions were again forced on the public? And the mRNA shots have been a colossal failure (and risk). If the Left tried to turn the clock back, it would NOT be pretty.

That dog just won’t never hunt unless there is clear and incontrovertible EVIDENCE that masks and such will help. And when people have been snookered once, they tend to be a bit more skeptical the next time…

The Left cried “wolf!” for fun and profit–they even stole a Presidential election with it. I just don’t think people now will be eager to comply once again without overwhelming hard evidence. The last train to Chumpville departed a few months ago…

The Left has shot its wad. And there is (thankfully) now no going back, no matter how much nostalgia the Left has for 2020 and 2021!

Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

Yeah, go ahead

and request.

But the answer is, “No.”

Sorry, I’m a scientist. So I’m not bamboozled by this BS!

Evil Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

Yes, yes

they did.

Look, Lefties, wear a mask if YOU want. But get your despotic crap outta here! Leave those of us who are sane alone.

It’s a kink with these emotional cripples. They crave being controlled by the government. It’s a turn-on for them. The thought of being left to their own devices terrifies their submissive, masochistic psyches.

… There is almost zero science supporting the efficacy of the cloth masks people are wearing on planes. It’s as medically and scientifically sound as burning sage or relying on the judicious petting of one’s lucky kitten. The body of evidence proving these people wrong has been reaching Everestian heights recently. Those clinging to the “masks as Captain America shields” theory are not serious or mentally capable people.

Yeah, freedom breaks out. Lefty mask sheep fetishists hardest hit…

Anti-scientific stance Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

Yeah, like

THAT’S gonna happen! They can go soak their unscientific heads.

They KNOW their dictator despotism is going to lead to a public revolt, don’t they?

Hardly anyone thinks COVID-19 is even a problem anymore. 9%? 9% believe in the Easter Bunny!

Still more believable than the CDC

Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

Fauci declares the

pandemic over. Now it’s all up to us, Gee, couldn’t have said this 2 years ago?

Anti-scientific stance Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

Oh, that is

TOTALLY worth it! Totally.

Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

Note to Fauci:

Dishonesty Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

Well now,

THAT’s kinda awkward!