Evil Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

Yeah, I’ve been

telling you that for some time now. It was utterly predictable to anyone with a shred of developmental knowledge!

Researchers found that babies born into lockdown had “deficits” in communication and other social skills compared to those born pre-Covid. 

… As a result, babies “missed the opportunity of meeting a normal social circle of people outside the family home, including other babies and grandparents,” thus impacting their social skills.

I am a little kid guy, a developmental guy by training. I have been saying for the last two years that this (and particularly the masks) has been horrible for infants and toddlers.

Yes, young kids may improve. Some. And that remediation is absolutely worthwhile. But understand well that there is a “critical period” when these things can develop, and after that they never will be automatic, regardless of remediation. Can they get better? Sure.

But like with a language, they will ALWAYS have an “accent.” They can learn the rules, but the critical period for being “native” is gone, never to return.

This cohort will never recover. And for no damned good reason. It is infuriating to me! May they rot in Hell! These kids were sacrificed on the altar of Lefty lust for power.

Evil. This has just been evil. Staggeringly so. And THAT falls directly on the head of Joe Biden and the global cabal of COVIDarians!

Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

And your answer?

Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

Yeah, that’s

pretty much true…

Justice Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

Yes, a reckoning is

is coming.

On Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new, long-awaited guidelines around Covid-19. No longer does the agency recommend “staying at least 6 feet away from other people to reduce the risk of exposure,” which was apparently still best practice until yesterday. The agency also abandoned its recommendation that those who believe they’ve been exposed to the virus should self-isolate whether they are symptomatic or not.

Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps Poetic Justice

Well, yeah…

Wait for it, wait for it! He will say something like, It would have been a lot worse if a I hadn’t been double-vaccinated!


Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

Gee, would

you look at that!

Current Events Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

The truth is,

people are often easily led if you just parrot back what they wanted to believe in the first place. And in the service of THAT people will do almost anything–no matter how idiotic!

But let’s not get fooled again, eh?

Because as sure as the sun rises in the East, Lefties will try this wheeze again…

Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps



Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

The evolution

of vaccine claims:

Mindless NPC drones Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

So now that we

have a little distance, we need to ask: How did those lockdowns work?

Answer? Not so well, at least from a scientific standpoint.

See, the difference between a logical, reasonable person and a spittle-lipped partisan hack is that the former hews to facts, while the other lives in a land of self-dealing delusion!

YOU need to ask yourself just who you are!