
Here’s something

only STUPID people don’t understand: When you reward something, you get more of it.



So you

like Democrats, eh?


Biden, Feinstein, and Fetterman–the trifecta of gorked!

Holy crap! Why on earth would you even think that ANY of these people are smarter than a sack of hair, let alone vote for them?

Dianne Feinstein, who despite recent health troubles and tough competition from John Fetterman still remains the most cerebral Democrat in the Senate, doesn’t remember that she wasn’t at the Capitol for the past three months due to a medical absence.

Bad Faith Conspiracy Stooooopid!

I think we ALL

know that the CIA has become merely a Lefty Gestapo. They are NOT your friends! They see their job as covering for Democrats, not seeking justice. DUH!

Maybe it’s the mindless Lefty sheep who are nuts, eh? Yeah, maybe…

But honestly, don’t the Lefty sheep ever get tired of being wrong? You’d think they’d be angry about being continually snookered. But no, they just smile vacantly and say, “Thank you, sir! May I have another?

They are just characterologically incapable of admitting they have been wrong.

Culture Stooooopid!


good advice!

Just look at what’s happened to Japan. To China. To South Korea. To Britain, even.

This is just amazing stupidity!

Go to college. Become a permanent INCEL, a sucking drain on society. But not really INCEL, since this is indeed voluntary. Yeah, THAT’s the ticket…


Yeah, pretty


(h/t Powerline)

Current Events Stooooopid!

Honestly, how

DUMB is Portland?

Buffoons Stooooopid!

Well now,

THAT didn’t take long!

Fox News “is dead,” and Tucker Carlson already has his first job offer. It came within hours of the shocking announcement that he and Rupert Murdoch’s Fox Corporation were “parting ways.” Who took the biggest hit? It looks like Fox News has.

And is would be the final nail in the coffin if Gutfeld left with him. FoxNews is already 90% dead. Gutfeld leaving would make it 99.9%.

What a braying ass Murdock has been!


Speaking of

A-B and circling drains


You know what

they say: Get woke, go broke

Bud Light’s sales declined in the first week of a conservative-led boycott of the brand after it partnered with transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney, according to analysis.

Keep it up, folks!

“Well, it looks like they’ve come out with this pro-America, patriotic old school Budweiser looking ad with the Clydesdales and the red, white, and blue and all that,” Rich said last week on Fox News. “Well, a little late for that. You know, the American public. We’re never left alone anymore. We literally can’t go anywhere without something divisive or political being thrown into our face.”


What a great

example of a responsible business owner making their place is handicapped accessible with a ramp! I sure appreciate it. And the rails are really a thoughtful touch…

Welcome to my world…