Anger Justice

Uhm, maybe

this wasn’t a good idea, Leftists!

Bad Faith Evil

Pure and simple,

it was entrapment.

PJ Media readers already know that the Jan. 6 Capitol riot wasn’t an insurrection, but it’s still absolutely mind-blowing just how much we’ve been lied about the events of that day.

… One point that Higgins made was that it is highly improbable that civilians would know how to get around the Capitol without help from people who knew where they were going.

“There’s no way they can come in some random door that gets opened and then get their way directly to Statuary [Hall] or the House chamber or the Senate chamber. It’s just not possible,” Higgins told Carlson. “The FBI assets that were dressed as Trump supporters that were inside the Capitol were there, I believe, and evidence indicates that they were there to specifically wave in the Trump supporters that had gathered outside the Capitol.”

Current Events

It’s not time

to break out the champagne, yet. But this is not at all surprising to me.

Rep. James Clyburn, an early Biden supporter who propelled him to victory in South Carolina, now says he is ‘very concerned’ with the president’s standing with the black community. 

"Global Warming" nonsense

Only 3% think

man-made climate change” is the nation’s most pressing issue.

You know, because it is truly a silly concept in the first place. How intellectually embarrassing!

Current Events Religion

The Biden mindless

followers have all the emotional intensity of the “old-time tent revival” crowd. And it is NOT Biden himself who is the “kingpin.” He actually does not have that kind of religious, Jim Jones-like charisma. He truly is just a stand-in.

No, what we are seeing is the frenzied spasticity of those who are “converted” to a charismatic entity–the Democrat party. THAT is their dearly-held Manichean heresy, where ALL is a battle over good and evil and you dang well battle for “good” (by any means, fair or foul) or the Devil (Trump) will win.

They are the new political “burnt over district” denizens, and they show the very same religious fervor, except in this case for a party (Democrat) god rather than a more orthodox God. But it is an identical religious attachment.

So don’t be at all fooled–this is a religious, nay, apocalyptic religious experience for them, complete with an an orthodoxy, heretics, sins, indulgences, and Lefty evangelists stirring their followers up against the old “devil” Trump!

Bad Faith Stooooopid!

Just more

Democrat scare-mongering. This is the Democrat version of “boob bait for Bubba.”

I mean, you’d have to be a total moron to fall for this. Then again, looking at the mass of Democrats…

DUH! Dupe Fools

Mike Pence is truly a

blithering idiot. Sheesh, what a moron! Is this guy even smart enough to know if he is cold or hungry?

Well, if he takes Democrats at their word on this he is a damned fool!

Current Events

Sure, but never

let the truth get in the way of a good political attack, eh, Democrats?

Honesty is not exactly a strong suit with most Democrats…


Yes, yes.

Great news.

But always run through the tape, not to the tape!

Current Events

The first line

is the explosive one! You really don’t want to be caught up in this!