Corruption Dishonesty

Joe never met

Hunter’s business partners. Riiiight.


But honestly,

what are Democrats smoking by putting him out there? Holy crap!

Then again, it’s NOT like there is a decent alternative out there for them!

Illegal Immigration

Yeah, because

IT IS! Democrats are whistling past the graveyard, here.

The vast majority of Americans – 81 percent – believe that illegal immigration into the United States is becoming a “serious problem” for the country, according to a recent survey conducted by Rasmussen Reports, which found that majorities from all political parties share concerns about the number of people entering the country.


Look, it’s a

cesspool. Good parents don’t knowingly allow their children to go on facebook.

Investigators in New Mexico created a fake account for a seventh-grade girl named “Issa Bee,” complete with AI-generated photos of her. Issa quickly attracted “thousands of adult followers who deluged her with both invitations to join private chat groups and sex content featuring both children and adults,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

… Among other, equally lurid offenses, including allowing “users to find, share, and sell an enormous volume of child pornography,” and serving “underage users a stream of egregious, sexually explicit images — even when the child has expressed no interest in this content.”

… There is, of course, an easy way or two to protect kids from the predators who have made Meta their playground. Parents could use the safety controls on their kids’ smartphones to prevent them from installing any social media apps. Meta could refuse to allow children on its platforms. But too many parents are willing to give in to their kids’ demands for their own “Instas,” perhaps unaware of the platform’s issues with child predation.

Illegal Immigration

You realize

this is war, right? And “Biden” is actively batting for the other side. This has gone far beyond mere disagreements about policy. No, he is a traitor.

And THAT is only the ones they caught. MANY others got across the border undetected…

Why won’t “Biden” protect us from this horde? Just whose side are they on?

Dishonesty Epic fail Foolishness

Oh, what a

tangled web we weave!

There are two options as far as I’m concerned: RFK Jr. either was aware that Epstein was a sleazebag and likely intelligence plant running a blackmail operation and was perhaps compromised himself or else he is the worst judge of character in all of human history and now he’s lying to cover his tracks.

In either case, he’s lost my support forever.

Honestly, the BEST you can say is that RFK, Jr. was a gull. The worst you can say is… far worse. But in terms of RFK, Jr. being dishonest about this, well, there really is no question, is there?

Deception Liars

THIS should

tell you why Democrats (and “Biden” in particular) totally hate Elon Musk! Because he puts the lie to their pronouncements.

Current Events

Well, we’re


But like I have repeatedly said, I don’t think Biden can mathematically go much lower. Pretty much ALL the “degrees of freedom” have been accounted for, and (in technical terms) there’s statistically not enough variance left out there for it to change much.

I think that 33% is about as low as it CAN go. There are a lot of “dead-ender” Democrats that will “vote blue no matter who.” And THAT is extremely unlikely to change short of a seismic shift. See, there’s no mathematical variance in that group.

Think of it this way (though it’s a very imperfect analogy): When you’re on your own 20 (in football) you might gain 20 yards fairly easily. It’s a quarter of the available yards. But if you are on your opponent’s 15-yard line, gaining 5 yards is a HUGE deal. You then just gained a third of the available yards by getting those 5 yards! Defenders have less area to defend and there’s less room to maneuver. Things are so much more compacted now that each yard is, in fact, “bigger.”

It’s just mathematically unlikely that Biden will drop below 33%, unless there is a HUGE external event.

Civil Rights

Well, Oregon.

Go figure. The state in a race to be as nutty as California!



Well actually, not so much

Recognize the Democrat Safety Dance: FIRST deny it totally, and then walk it back by degrees as you have to! Then mock it as “old news” that has already been debunked (though it hasn’t) and critics are just too stuck in the past to move on.